“Brindle… ‘The Keeper’ is an unexpected treasure.  She has been known to Mother Earth for some time and she has accepted her as her own.  Brindle will be free to take strength and nourishment where she will… The Mother has given her blessing and sent word forth that not only has ‘The Keeper’ awakened, but she is under her protection.”

Marcus paused for a moment letting his words sink in.  There was surprise and even astonishment on some of their faces but, before they all began to talk at once he continued.  “She is a quick learner; I need only show her or tell her once.  She has felt the need to prove herself, not to me or to the Shadow Man, but to herself.  Her greatest fear is that she will not be strong enough or good enough to carry the title of Keeper.”

He smiled to himself, “She has nothing to fear, she is truly ‘The Keeper’ and she has more than proved herself to be so.  When she first connected with the earth, she sensed darkness nearby, she pulled back, but the demon had already gotten a fix on where she was.  A couple of days later she was visited by Anton Kendrick.” 

 Marcus watched as everyone reacted to this information.  Kendrick was well known and that he had found ‘The Keeper’ so soon after her awakening did not bode with any of them.  Marcus put out his hand palm outward to quiet everyone and continued.  “We no longer need concern ourselves with Kendrick.  He will never walk the earth again.”

Michael spoke up then, “She killed him?  ‘The Keeper’ destroyed him?”  Then others started throwing questions at him wanting to know what had happened and how this had affected his Charge.  “Brindle did not destroy him, to be honest she didn’t really harm him at all… well not what we would consider harm.” 

First Marcus looked at Michael, then turned to Gabriel watching for any reaction as he spoke, “She invoked the help of both Mother Earth and Father Sky and then she banished Kendrick from ever setting foot on the earth again,”

Gabriel’s eyes went wide shocked, surprise and awed at what one so young, so untried had accomplished.  “Praise be!” he said, “What else took place Marcus?”

“We were at the church where her uncle Father Adrian is assigned.  He had organised for him and his niece to meet Kendrick there to discuss an insurance policy.  Kendrick told her that he didn’t want to kill her, that his master wanted her to join them.  For a moment terror took hold of me, but I had faith in my Charge.  I waited for her to respond and she refused him, told him there was no way that she would or could turn to evil.”

Marcus took a breath before going on, “Once she realised he wouldn’t hurt her, she knew he would try to hurt her uncle.  I have to tell you that I have never seen such power in someone so inexperienced, so unaccustomed to the gifts she has been given.”

He looked at each silent face and smiled, “She transported her uncle to safety before Kendrick could harm him.  She did so with little thought or effort and she had never done this before.  She had only transported small inanimate objects.  I stood close by in case she needed help, but knowing she needed to prove herself. 

She struggled to hold him at first, but it seemed that the more she tried, the more she utilized her gift the stronger it became.  In the end he was unable to move any part of his body but his face.  I believe she learnt a great many curses from Kendrick before she sent him back to the pit he crawled from.  His master will not be pleased, he was expecting Kendrick to change Brindle’s mind and have her join with them willingly or take her with him for his master to do so.”

Everyone started speaking at once, asking questions and wanting to know more about ‘The Keeper’ and for a minute or so Marcus sat quietly watching and trying to take in what they were all saying.  Gabriel stood and raised his hand, he didn’t need to speak to hush or quiet these beings, there was no need.  He had a presence that demanded obedience whether he was forcing his will on someone or not.

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