it says push, not pull

552 23 12

Dec. 11, 2015 9:30 am

I closed my eyes and take a deep breath, grasping the towel that is wrapped around my naked body while droplets of water are falling down to my short hair.

I stood in front of my walk-in closet's door and stared at it. We're having a staring contest, what's the problem? Oh it doesn't have eyes? It does, look at how many little holes it have. I have a walk-in closet all this time you dumb brains.

I opened the door, walked in and, looked at the racks full of different clothes. I closed the door behind me and sat on the soft chair that is laying on the middle of the room. I made a disgusted face when I saw a pair of heels laying on a desk of shoes, getting all comfy. Don't gag. I swear don't gag, Samantha.

I really should hurry up and stop trying to have an emotional moment with my clothes.

I took out a black and blue flannel that Sean gave me with no reason and wore it. The flannel lightly wrapped my body comfortably until I remembered that I didn't put on a baby bra. Is it okay, if I do not wear a baby bra? I'm flat chested anyways. I looked at my chest part and saw that my nipples are visible from the fabric. I guess I have no choice but to wear one.

Timeskip brought to you by The Weeknd

I looked at the mirror before me and stared at the most beautiful girl in the world while brushing my short hair. I love myself. My hair is like Bailey's but a little more longer and I have long side bangs like Taylor Hatala's, and the ends of my hair is slightly curly. I was wearing a black and blue flannel, black ripped jeans and my light blue addidas. Stop, I'm wearing my baby bra now. Jesus.

I got outside of my closet and closed the door. I opened the drawer in my study table and put out my black watch. Again, it's a men's watch. I rolled up the sleeves of my flannel just below my elbow and put on my watch. I was about to close the drawer but I saw my choker laying ontop of a filler. I shrugged and wore it onto my neck and try to avoid the urge to laugh because of the slight tickle from the choker.

I grabbed my bag and called Ken to accompany me to the place.

"It says push not pull." I said to Ken as I laughed. The word push is clearly spelled at the door and Ken didn't even saw it. We are now at the DanceOn company and I can already saw Bailey and my other friends on their chairs, talking to eachother. I notice a certain Chinese guy on a group of boys. Sean what the f*ck are you doing here.

"Oh." Ken laughed and pushed the door and let himself in. The door was so fast to close so the door almost slammed in my face that made me jump and make a weird face. The people inside noticed this and laugh. My group of friends were the loudest ones. Ken gasped and laughed afterwards before walking towards the door and opened it.

I did the Twaimz look to him and walked past him. Sean's beautiful, gracious, fabulous, perfect, pretty, hot, rich, gorgeous, etc, laugh kills me. He walked towards me and continued laughing in my face. I gave him a weird look.

"Are you okay, lalaloopsy?" Sean said while laughing. Still laughing. I shook my head and shushed him.

"The real question is, why are you here?" I asked him.

He stopped laughing, "The most real question is, why didn't tell me that you have a dance group project." He said as he crossed his arms like a child.

I chuckle, "Sorry, memory loss."

Josh came up to him, "Where is it?"

I let them continue their boy talk and walked towards the girls, "When did your agents told you about this?"

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