thanks for the treat bro

638 25 5

December 7, 2015. 8:09 pm

"I love you." I jokingly said. Sean rolled his eyes as I answered the phone.

I heard Sean said something, but I just ignored it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Let's talk in my office on Saturday?" She asked

"Yeah why, did something happen?" I nervously asked.

"Everything's cool," She started, I sighed, "The DanceOn company is planning something for you, but not only you, some people too, so I am guessing that you will do a dance group."

"Really?!" I shrieked.

"Yep, really." She said, "Now, I gotta finish this paper work, bye." and with that she hang up.

I smiled at the distant, it's been like a month that I haven't done something big.

I inhaled, and smelled cheese. I turned around and and saw Sean doing a lot of work in cooking.

"Want me to help?" I said as I yawn.

"Nah, you look so down to the bone." He slightly chuckled. Is he mocking my inner Undertale fangirl.

"Not today, satan." I waved him off as I walked upstairs to check on Ken and Bailey making sure they are not doing something stupid.

I checked the studio and see that they left. Obviously. I decided to not check on them anymore and go to my room.
I heard music in my brother's room, so they're probably in there.

I go to my room and jumped on my bed, laying down.

I grabbed my phone and called Jordyn. I waited for a minute and she was not answering. Probably, busy with her career.

I opened my which I just got crowned and opened it. I decided to do a lip sing instead of a dancing

I picked the music, Soap. I remembered Sean and I dancing with this song. Good times.

I played the song and did the thing and posted it.

"Hey, fatty." Sean barged in my room without any warning which caused me to jump.

I glared my eyes at him, "Hey, copycat."

"Let's do a" Sean suggested.

"That's what I just did, so okay." I shrugged.

"You sugges-"

"Do a grind on me." I cut him off.

He looked at me weirdly, like I have acne all over my face and it's popping on its own.

"Why give me that look?" I gave him a smug look, "You don't know how?"

"Of course, I know." He snorted, "But, you will have to do it too."

"Yeah, sure." I smirked and got out of my bed. I picked out the grind on me song until I realized something,

"Hey, your cookin-?"

"It's simmering." He cutt me off. He sat down at my chair and digging out random things in my study table.

I shrugged and clicked at song, "Hey, lady, go on." I motioned him.

Sean stood up infront of me and gave me a thumbs up. I played the song and he started grinding the floor. I was about to drool, but I stopped holding the button.

"It's my turn." I said handing him the phone.

I stood up infront of him. He played the song and I started grinding.

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