Chapter 7

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Death comes with the darkness but did you know there's hope in the light?

It was Friday and that meant that after a few hours, I had 48 to myself. The skies were almost black and I looked out in pity at the pouring rain.

An hour later I was running into the small building and I shook out my coat before hanging it up. Friday's were generally a slow day and with the heavy down pour, I was glad it was close to empty.

My boss was out in the country and wouldn't be back until Monday so it was just me and the animals. Apparently, one of his regulars had a horse that was going to deliver and so he was up there dealing with that and what ever other business.

I administered fresh gauze, gave injections, made a list of supplies needed, fed the animals and checked out a few before finally settling down to some lunch. By two o'clock I was locking up and the skies still hadn't changed color or eased its downpour.

I drove slowly home and on my way I stopped at the store to get some groceries. When I got home I checked with Carrie to see if she was okay and found her lying on her bed, fetal style.

"Carrie? Are you okay?" She slowly turned around and I could see she was upset. Walking over, I cautiously sat on the bed and crossed my legs as she did the same.

"Are you in pain?"

"No... I just-" she took a deep breath, closed her eyes and laid next to me. "I just really miss Roni."

"Isn't she coming back Sunday?"

"Yea, I know. I just miss her when she's gone."

"You really love her, don't you?"

"More than life itself."

"I don't think I can ever love someone so completely." I laid beside her and we both stared up at the ceiling.

"What about Ryder?"

"I love him... Just not completely."

"Oh." She said softly.

"We had sex." I whispered, weirdly afraid of her reaction. She turned her head to look me in the eye.

"How was it?"

"A mixture of pain and relief."

"That is the weirdest thing I've ever heard."

"I'm just really glad I got it over with."

"Well, once you're happy, I'm happy."

"He does make me happy."


We both just laid there in comfortable silence until the room shifted into darkness.

I awoke sometime later to an empty bed and I stretched before heading to the bathroom. I passed Carrie and Darcy as they conversed in the kitchen and I smiled politely. When I came back out they were eating some frosted flakes and I helped myself to a bowl.

"Why are you all dressed up?" I asked Darcy as my eyes finally took in her appearance.

"She's going to some huge party with her college friends."

"We go to the same college... Is it a gay party or something?"

"That was so racist on so many levels." Carrie rolled her eyes at me and I just shrugged.

"Again not because I'm a lesbian means that I just go to gay bars and do gay things. It's just a party that a few of my friends invited me too and I'm just going there to have fun."

I stared at Darcy and couldn't help but notice her tone was a bit clipped. Was she angry at me?


"I would have joined in but I'm still healing and I don't go anywhere without Roni."

"You really need to get a life."

"Whatever... On a totally random note, you should go."

"Why would I go to some stupid party?"

"To enjoy yourself and be free."

"I'm perfectly fine being free here."

"Just go to the damn party."


"Fine." She mocked.


"Oh would you both shut up!"

I made a face at Carrie and she stuck her tongue out at me.

"You both can be so childish."

"You just jealous." I countered.

"Of you two? I'd rather be straight."

"Oh no, summon the Gay God." I rolled my eyes at her and headed off to get ready. A few minutes later and I was kissing Carrie goodbye as I climbed into the front seat of Darcy's car.

The party was located at some rich mansion and before we even arrived the music was heard throughout the quiet neighborhood. I smiled as we neared and I saw the hoards of drunk teenagers and a few older guys.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" I squealed as I got out the car and headed in.

There was so much alcohol and juice and food all around and I quickly popped a ginger ale as I walked onto the already packed dance floor. I had no money or phone on me so I didn't have to be alert and I threw my hands in the air as I allowed the music to take control.

I pretty much looked like 'O' from the movie Home in the car scene.

My body moved in all fashions and I laughed and sang along as I danced with random people and had a ball. Some time during my crazy dance I had gotten cup after cup of punch and that just added to my already awesome mood.

A random person held onto my waist and I just danced along with them as I drank more and more alcohol. My body connected with the person's chest and I realized it was a girl. I threw my head back against her shoulders and she held onto my waist as we both moved to the song.

Another guy started to dance in front of me and I wrapped my hands awkwardly around the girl's neck as the guy grabbed my waist.

I danced and danced, not a care in the world. The room swarmed into one and my body out of my control.

When I reopened my eyes, I was staring into the dark depths of Darcy and my hands were wrapped around her neck. The guy was nowhere to be found and I had ended up at the corner of the dance floor. I immediately stopped dancing and I removed my hands from her neck but hers still held my waist.

Her face was so close to mine that I could smell the faint perfume she wore and I saw the few spots on her brown face. Her eyes stared into mine and I smiled causing her to look at my lips.

I don't know if it's because of the alcohol or the music, or the combination of both but my eyes suddenly were closed and I felt soft lips being crashed against mine.

Did I just kiss her or did she kiss me?

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