Chapter 19

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I did two of the most painful things I've had to do in four hundred years and that's kill two people I loved. Samul said he would take care of her body and put her back in her grave. I said nothing to him, but simply shake my head.

Returning above, I find the dead bodies of the fallen burning so there is no chance they could come back to alive. Even after we are killed, with out taking the heart, cutting the head or burning the body; it would take a weeks to maybe even years to even come back to life. Those are just the few ranges of time though, it matters how strong and how many spirets you might possibly have in your body.

The clean up crow is doing a good job of cleaning things up. I don't see any of my friends, Emma or Erik; so they must had gone back home.

Walking past the clean up crow, they look at me and bow slighly to me. So now they know, Correl is dead and I was the one that did it. If it wasn't for the fact that she caused the fight, my killing her would put my head on the chop block. But now, they see me as their new leader; no matter how much I don't want it. With her almost killing Erik, his body or mind is in the right staight to pass the title to him; so for how ever long it takes him to regain his wits about him, I'm stuck leading this branch of Immortals.

Driving home on my bike, I step on the gass; because I need to feed and fast. The feeling of needing to feed didn't hit me until coming up from the under ground that Correl had put my mother body.

Getting back to the others, two gaurds are waiting for me with two big bottles of souls. "Evy, are you alright?" The silver eyed gaurd asks me, passing me the first bottle.

"I'm fine, just need to feed. Where are the others?" I ask them, as I walk past them; but they follow closely behind me.

"Hospital level," the other gaurd tells me.

Stopping in front of the elvator I hold out my hand for the other bottle. "I can see myself there, thank you." The other man gives me the bottle of souls. "Make sure that the others get back safe." Ordering them this, I can start feeling the weight of becoming in charge of those that live in the church avbove, but I brush it to the side; it's not something to worry about at the moment.

Riding the elvator up to the church first floor, I drink down the first big bottle of souls when I get to the first floor. When the doors open, many are waiting for me; bowing to me slighly as I walk past them. "Welcome back our new leader, we are glad you are safe." Some woman says to me, I think she is one of those that were on Correl side.

I shake my head at her, and head to the hospital level and find the others in Erik room. "Hi," I think I scare all of them, because I snuck in like I did. Laughing a little, I step further into the room. "Sorry for scaring you." I tell them, sitting down in a rolling chair and roll further into the room. Glancing at Erik, he looks better then before; but he still looks weak. "How's he doing?"

Emma looks over at him and shakes her head. "He is slowly getting better, but they said that at this rate that it'll take a long time for him to open his eyes." She tell's me, then looks up at me. "Evy, are you the leader of the Immortals here now?"

Glancing at him again, I get a glimps of him throwing a fit that nothing ever goes his way. "Yes." Looking up at my sister and our friends, I can't help but see the mixed feelings they have in their eyes. "Listion you guys, I know that the world is different then when you guys remember. But I think that..." Looking down at the ground, I hate myself for hating the next words that are going to come out of my mouth. "You all should explore the world, it changes every day and this second life is a new chance to see all this world has. The choice is up to you guys to explore it or stay of course."

They glance at one another and I know Willow and Bay want to go see the world and maybe Cain want's to go see a bit of the world. But for Emma and Samul I don't know about either one of them. "Are you sure?" Willow asks as if I'll take back the words I just said.

Getting up from my chair, I drink some more of the souls. "The choice is your own, I have to start work to rebuild this branch of the Immortals. I won't hold any of you here if you don't want to be here. If you do choice to leave, please talk to Drake and he'll set things up for you. I'll go talk to him now and tell him the plan if any of you choice to leave." Going to the door, I turn the knob but I don't open it just yet. "I'm against what Correl did and brining you all back to life. But in some way, I am glad she did, becuase I got to see you all again." Then I leave them to make up their minds.

Five Years Later:

Standing in the grave yard, I look at the head stones knowing full well there is no bodies but one in the ground. I put fresh flowers down in front of the head stones none the less, it's for the humans they all use to be and for who I use to be to.

A small wind blows by, as I look down at my mother head stone. "I know you are there," I remark to those that hide in the shadow.

"Man your no fun Evy," Bay complains.

Turning around, I come face to face with everyone. Slowly everyone left to go explore the world, leaving me to deal with the Immortal branch I'm now in charge with. Erik is still not awake, so I've been dealing with everything myself. "Who ever said I was fun?" Smiling at them, I glance at Emma, as she runs to me and hugs me. Patting her on the head, as she hugs my body, I look at the others with the same smile. "Tell me who said I was fun, I want to talk to them."

Willow rolls her eyes, as they all come in closer. "Same as ever."

"Why change a good thing? I mean really." I say to them. "Come on, the sun will be up, I want to hear all about you guys travaling the world." I tell them and that's that, we all live together. Course some times they leave for a few years, only to come back.

As for Erik, after a few more years, he finally woke up and is the same as ever.

The End


I know that none of you commented on this story. But wanted to say thanks for reading all the same.

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