Chapter 12

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Fully dressed in black and red clothing, I have some of the flowers that Erik put in my room here and there on my body. With any luck they will do the trick, but if not then I'm screwed. James, Kim, Erik and one of the newcomers who I met briefly that day they came, Derek.

"We can't waist too much time outside with you away from the flowers. Even those in your hair and in your pockets, won't last forever." Erik tells me, as he opens the Hummer passenger door for me.

All of us get in the Hummer down in the basement entry, Erik drives of course. Corral is off doing something, along with Abby by her side. So we have nothing to worry about. For the most part.

"So where are we going?" Derek asks us.

"To the oldest part of the graveyard, where no one goes." I tell him.

"And you are sure, you will be okay? I mean you don't look the best," Derek points out, which is true. I'm already starting to lose power in my body--even with the flowers in my hair and clothes.

Erik looks over at me, as he speeds down the street that hardly anyone is in. The stories of the past have scared them all away, into their homes where it is safe. It has been like that for so long. "Evy--"

"I'm fine," looking back at my friends and then Erik, they are on all high alert and I know why. Going to the old part of the graveyard—is even older than the Church we live in; is more dangerous then fighting a hundred beings out to kill you. Because no one really knows what lives in the graveyard. Sure, you have Vampires and such, but with these new beings around; we don't know what we are up against. "I need you guys to know something, if a fight breaks out. None of you are to get into the fight, I'm going to do the fighting."

"No!" Erik yells out slamming his fists against the steering wheel.

"We aren't leaving you high and dry!" Kim yells out next.

"This isn't up for debate! Listen to me for once and stay out of this!" I yell out, as Erik drives into the old part of the graveyard and stops the Hummer. "Stay in the Hummer and no matter what; stay in here!" Getting out of the Hummer, I slam the door behind me and walk into the fog, to face the thing that Corral did.

Walking into the graveyard, I keep my wits about me as I go deeper and deeper into the graveyard waiting for one of them to show their face to me. Stopping in front of their grave markers, I look down at the old head stones. Then I feel them. I feel their eyes on me; but I don't move. "Evy, it has been a long time." A male voice calls out somewhere in the fog.

"I take it, that this fog is you're doing Bay or is it your sister twin sister Willow power?" Still looking at the head stones, I feel someone right behind me. I feel their breath against my neck; giving me the chills.

"How did you guess?" Bay asks softly.

"Because you loved playing tag in the fog, when we were all human and children." I say to him.

His breath is no longer there against my neck. Then I feel another person in the fog. "My power is much different then my darling twin brother's. Do you remember what my favorite game was?" Willow asks somewhere hiding deeper in the fog.

"Doll's. Especially dolls with strings, you loved pulling their strings and make them do your bidding." I say to her.

A shadow falls over me, one of them is standing on Emma headstone. Though this shadow, is full of love and joy. It's Emma standing on her own headstone. "Evy can you even fight those of us that hate you for leaving us to rot in our old grave's that we no longer sleep in?" She asks me in her small voice.

"Your guard dog can't save you this time Evy. Cain has seen all you have done becoming an Immortal being. And do you know how that is possible?" Willow asks with what it sounds in her voice, her smiling smugly.

Finally looking up, I'm surrounded by the three of them. Where is Samuel and Cain at? "I have a guess, thank you Willow. Since I have grown weak, it doesn't take much to go in my mind and I have a guess; I know who does that." Looking over my shoulder I feel another person around me and I don't even have to guess who it is. Cain the man that used to protect me and Emma after everyone in our family died. He looks down at me blankly from the crypt behind their headstones. "Keep that straight face as much as you want. But you were always good at reading me." Looking at my sister, she looks down at me with sadness in her eyes. "So where is Samuel?"

"I'm here, but I'm staying out of this." Looking up at one of the grave crypts, I see a dark shadow standing on it. I know it's Samul; even though I can't see his face. I mean really, I just heard his voice.

"And why is that? Don't you hate me as much as these four?"

"Actually, it's just going to be these three fighting you. I just wanted to see you; before this all started." Emma puts her hand on my head. "I wish for you to live sister, even though you are weak. I do hope, we can all live as we did in the past." Emma is then gone and joins Samul; to watch the fight.

The fog then all of the sudden gets thicker. "Now, let's get this started." Bay cracks his knuckles as the three of them charge at me.

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