Chapter 14

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POV: Evy

Blood drips from the corner of my lip, I got a front attack by Willow. But I think I figured out how she fights. Just for a few short minutes, the pattern is easy to catch. But for Bay and Cain they hardly fight, they are probably waiting for me to get really tired and then finish me off.

Holding my sword loosely in my hand, I look right at her as I smear the blood away from my lip. "So tell me Willow, what did I do to make you hate me? Was, it that I gave my life for all of you to live? Or was it because you died of old age, as I don't age?" I ask taunting her, knowing she is a hot head and so she will start fighting wildly now and when I get an opening I'm taking it.

She throws her fingers out, with strings coming out of them and lace around me; so I can't get away. "You were the blessed child, you never got sick. All the boys loved you, as I had to fight for them to look at me and make matters worse, Samuel loved you and not me!"

She moves her arms over her head and then pulls them down hard, making the wires do the same as her arms did. My body hits hard against the ground hard, I hear a few of my ribs brake and I can't help but the blood come out of my mouth, when I have to spit it out so I can breathe better. "You married a man you could have children with," spitting out more blood, I struggle to get a breath. "You got to live a normal human life. I had to watch you all live happy human lives, as I lived and you died. I can never have a family. I can never feel what it like to be a mother. If anything, I was cheated out of this, trying to save your life. If I knew, you would do this, I would had never saved you."

I hear Emma gasp, only for Willow to smile evilly. "Now your true colors show," then she moves her arms to the left, sending me to the left and then right. The wires let go of me, just before I smash against a big tree sending it down and on to some head stones. "You were never perfect, but you were damn close." She pops her knuckles, as she starts to walk to me.

Slowly pushing my body up, I try to steady my breathing but it's so hard. My body is starting to shut down. I don't think I can hang on much longer. The flowers that were in my hair fall out of place and die once they touch the holy ground. That's right, I'm not a holy being on this land. I've taken many lives, to protect my own kind and even the humans. "You know, I've always wondered something. How did you get Thomas to love you? Because according to you, you had to fight for men to even look at you twice. So how did you get him to marry you?" I pull a small dagger from my pocket and wait for her to get closer.

More wires come out of her fingers, but theses are thicker--like ropes. They will cut right through my flesh and possibly go into my bones. "With you trapped to the darkness, I had them all in the palm of my hand. I had the pick of them all, as they fell to my feet." She throws her hands up in the air and in the last second I throw the dagger and hit her right in the heart or where it should be. The wires fall limp, onto the ground and fall from her fingers.

She starts to laugh, as she grabs on to the dagger and pulls it out of her body. "Was that supposed to kill me?" she mocks.

"No, just slow you down." I press a button that's in my pants pocket, then the dagger starts to spark like crazy, attacking her body like lightning starving to destroy what it hits.

She screams in pain, then I let go of the button soon as I figure she's had enough. When I let go of it, she falls over knocked out.

But then a chain wraps around my body, throwing me up in the air and then slams me harder down on the ground, from twenty feet above. "And what did I do...for hate much?" I gasp out at Cain, as he steps out at the fog.

"For making me watch how lonely you had become after you changed. You have never been the same since you changed." He tells me, as he pulls the chains back into his sleeve of his jacket.

After getting a chance to breath, the fog becomes too thick to even see any shape of anything. "And what did I make you hate me so much Bay?"

"Don't you know?" His voice bouncing all around me, not giving me a chance to figure out where he is, until he kicks me in the ribs and sends me flying into headstone. "You left us for five years. In that time, so much changed here and we never heard from you. It was like we didn't matter, and you didn't exist."

Pushing up to my feet, my body feels heavy and my eyesight is failing me. "We all have our own paths Bay; that means we have to go in search of our selves. Even if we have to leave those that we love. You guys didn't need me around that much, you were healthy and happy. As I would never die, but you guys would."

A fist collides with my face, snapping my head to the side. "You could had waited until we were dead!" He then hits my stomach over and over again, hurting my insides.

Grabbing on to his arms, I push him down on his back with my knee on his chest. Gasping for air, my body shakes horribly. "I had to leave you guys! Don't you see?! It hurt too much, to see you guys look at me like you did! You looked at me with pity, hate, and like I was a monster! It hurt seeing those looks and it made me sad, so I had no choice; but to leave!" I yell out, before sending a powerful punch to his face.

Chains wrap around my throat, taking my breath away. Cain is trying to chock the life out of me now. "And what about me Evy?! Hum, did you not care for how I felt?! A guard sent to protect a girl and her sister, because she was a possible member of the royal family of this land once! Your choice of lifestyle destroyed everything I held of value! I was happy in the life of lies of not seeing this world!" He yells out.

"Cain stop it!" Emma screams out, as the fog starts to clear up. "You're going to kill her!" She cries out, running to us.

"No Emma, stay back!" He yells out, as he pulls the chains tighter.

"Cain!" She cries out. "She Evy, she my sister! She the girl that you looked after all those lifetime's ago! I still remember you telling me, that you hoped to find a girl just like her to build a life with-"

"She destroyed that hope! She took my dreams of a family away, because she became a being of the night! Someone had to watch over her during the day!"

Gripping on to the chains, I try to get some leeway from them. But it's not working. He is going to kill me and Corral is nowhere in sight to stop him. My plan is going to be destroyed in the matter of minutes, if she doesn't show up. I need her here, to get the papers back in the Hummer. Reaching into my pocket, I try to get in a breath as I pull out a piece of gum and put it on the chain. The gum is like acid destroying the chain and the hold he has on me.

Gasping for air, I fall to my side. The flowers in my pockets are now destroyed and dead. I hear chains being pulled back and then sent out into the air. "That is enough!" Corral orders out. "I have what I need," she tells them.

If she here, where are the others? Are they safe? Did she do something to them, is that why there aren't here? "Cor-"

She is there at my side in a flash, with a bottle of souls; pressing it against my lips. "Drink, you did the right thing by signing the papers." She tells me, with a proud smile.

I can't wait till you read the last page, you'll really love that. The souls go down my throat and it feels so good. I'm not starving as badly and as the last soul goes into my body; darkness welcomes me like an old friend.

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