Chapter 8

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There is a part of the mind, where you can tell your body there is no pain. As children, we can tell our bodies there is no pain and get up and play again. As other times, there is no turning the pain off and we cry for our parents to make the pain go away.

Though as we get older; in human or being Immortal that can die due to something that might kill a human. We forget how to turn off the pain and feel it all.

My skin is burning and blistering. It feels like I'm burning alive!

My eyes snap open and see I am laying before the sun. Quickly getting up and force open a mausoleum nearby, I get inside and close the door a little back into place forcing the light away.

Pulling back my jacket sleeve, my arms are red as if I had a sunburn. But nothing else. For just the slight red on my arms and bit pain I'm fine.

Looking at my watch, it tells me I have been out in the sunlight for the last two hours. I thought even being in the sunlight, even for a few minutes was supposed to do heavy damage on our bodies. I'll have to check the books when I get back home tonight.

Putting my sleeve back in place, I look around in the darkish room. There is a small window that is so dusty, it gives no light at all. There is some jars on some shelves and three coffins that have long been placed in this mausoleum.

My stomach rumbles loudly telling me that it's been some time since I last ate.

Pulling out my pack. "Wait where is my pack?" I ask out load. Looking outside best as I can, there it lays under a shady tree. "How did it get there?" My stomach grumbles in hunger. I hope the shade from the tree will protect me, till I get back.

Taking in a deep breath, I move the door back and run like hell. The sun burns the flesh that isn't hidden. My body hits the tree, the impact doesn't send the tree over, but I can tell it's moved a little bit. Grabbing my bag, I make sure everything is in it and then run back to the shelter of the mausoleum and hide away into the darkest part of the room.

Shutting my eyes tight, I have an image of myself being a child being scared of the dark. My mom holding me close to her, telling me nothing will get me and she will forever protect me.

Opening my eyes, I slide down the dirty wall with tears sliding down my face. But then you and dad died and I was left to protect Emma and then I made the biggest deal their is.

Looking at the coffins, they are also covered in dust. My parents headstones are out in the sunlight where I can't go to during the day light of course. But here I hide in the dark, with some other family long past gone.

Opening my bag, I pull out a big drink with a lid on it full of souls. I feel guilty in this place, because the dead can see what we do. Even those that have gone over. I didn't use to believe in that; but after seeing someone from my past alive, I'm starting to question a few things.

"I'm sorry you are about to see this," I whisper to the dead. Then I open the bottle and drink the souls down. I feel better, the edge of hunger is gone. Putting the bottle back in my bag; I see the stack of pages Corral had given me.

Pulling them out of my bag, my stomach turns for some horrible reason and before I know it, I'm throwing up the souls I just ate. The souls spill out giving light of blue as they are orbs. But the images they hold start to show of what that have to say.

I watch all of the images.Then I see the last image I would had never thought I would see. "Until you sign the contract and fix things, you won't be able to eat souls without throwing them up."

Then the image of the girl is gone.


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