Chapter 17

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All I can see is blood of the fallen we have cut down. My body is shaking bad, because I'm burning through what souls I have left in my body. If I don't feed and soon, then I'll be cut down just like the others. Almost there, keep fightning. I tell myself.

Battle cries are heard and just for a split second I look back over my shoulder and see what is going on. "Attack!" Bru dad yells out to those that follow him, along with Samul, Emma, Bay, Willow, Cain, James, Kim and Derek.

Looking away, I keep going forward; I know I'm running out of time and with in any minute, Correl will end Erik forever. After ends him, there no coming back for him.

Finally reaching the platform again, I jump on it and get between Correl and Erik, raising both the swords I took from fallen Immortals that had been dead before I even got to them. "This stops now Correl!"

She frowns at me. "I love it how you stand by what you believe; but right now it's just a bother to me." Erik cries in a gasping breath of air. "Just a few seconds left to go, then it'll be all over. All will be right with the world."

I don't even think what I'll do next, I charge forward and ram my shoulder into her stomach sending her to the ground. Rushing back to Erik, he's fading and fading fast. "I hate you, but not enough for you to die sadly." Pulling out a bottle, from yet another fallen Immortal, I open it and put his lips to the bottle full of souls. "Drink, you should be--" sharp pain goes through my spin. What the hell!? Droping one of the swords, I try to reach behind my back to pull out the dager that's in my back.


"Never turn your back on someone that you haven't killed. Because as soon as your back is to them, they will take the chance to strike and kill you." Correl told me, many, many life time's ago, when I was first turned into an Immortal.

Present Day:

Finally getting it out of my back, I turn around and face Correl again. Her face full of anger and hate. "I should had never given you the life I so greatly gave you. I should I had left you and your family to die. But no, I was to kind in my young years. I should had let the royal bloodline die out with you and your sister; because all I see is how much you hate the gift of life I've given you." She snarls out.

Grimacing, I put my foot on the end of the sword I droped and hit it just right; sending it up in the air and grab it again. "I've seen many great things, because of the gift of life you gave me and I'm truly grateful for that. But maybe we have both lived long enough and we should just call it quites." Charging forward, I catch her by suprise and ram my sword right through her body. "To kill someone as old as you, I know that I'll have to fight against the sleep that calls for me; because I'm startving. But I think I can do it."

She grabs on to my air, pulling me up; putting presure on my spin and I feel the greates pain I've ever felt. "This won't end until I say it does." She stops her foot and then we are sent down a trapped door.

And then all I see is darkness.

Pov: Samul

I seen it all and I had to save her. I had to save Evy and bring her back to Emma, just like I promised so many life time's ago. Ever time that Evy, I and the others went out; Emma made me promise that I would bring Evy back safely. I did of course and even after all these life time's, I plan on keeping that promise I made with Emma. I was going to bring Evy back.

Running forward, I hold one of the swords I was given. "No Samul, it's to dangerous!" Willow cries out.

"I'm not leaving her again!" I scream out, just before jumping into the black hole and follow after them.


Really short I know, but the next chapter will hopefully be longer. There will be most be a short chapter after the next one.

Please vote and I would love to hear, what you all think will happen next. :)

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