Chapter 6

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Her eyes slid to the silver cuff around my wrist, she knows what this band means, just like everyone else, that I am to stay in this room with Erik, even if I like it or not. "Erik again I take it?" shaking my head she rolls her eyes, raises her sharp nails up in the air and then without any effort she cuts the wire, and the cuff falls from my wrist. "Better?"

"Much," I tell her as I rub my wrist.

"Good, now come I haven't seen you and would love to talk to you," she puts her arm around me, and we head into another room with the others watching after us. I can even feel Abby eyes burn in the back of my back and Erik glare.

"Where have you been?" I ask her as the door closes behind us.

She lets go of me and walks to a long window and looks out at the night sky that's darkness blankets over the city. "Evy, I can't say how sorry I am for leaving you," she tells me, as she puts her hand on the glass.

"Why did you leave?"

"I wanted to see how you would hold your own, if I wasn't around." She turns around and faces me with a proud smile. "And you are making me proud."

"Where have you been?" I ask again.

She takes a deep breath and lets it out. "No matter what I tell you, it won't change the fact that I left you."

"Fine, then why are you here now?" I ask, feeling my heart tighten up, as if someone was squeezing it in their hands.

She walks up to me and looks down at me, the height difference isn't more than a few inches, but with her in taller high heels she looks like an Amazon Woman. "I am here to check on things and change a few things," she tells me softly, as a mother would to a sick child.

"What sort of things?"

She smiles at me and kisses me on the head like a mother would do to her child. "You will find out in good time," the window behind her opens all of the sudden. "Now, don't you have somewhere to go?" She asks, with a smile, no doubt she is using what power she has. There is a select few that have powers that don't match others, and there is powers that we have to grow into, if we don't get them right away after we are changed. Like me, I have no powers and it could take decades to have any or I could be one of a handful that will never have powers. For Corral, it sometimes seems like she has more than one, but I've never asked what she can do and she has never offered to tell me.

"What about the party and Erik?"

She laughs at my questions. "Don't worry, nothing ever changes with these parties and Erik can cry about you leaving some other time. Right now, he has other things he needs to do, I'll make sure of it."

"What does that mean?"

She walks around me. "Don't worry about it," she opens the door. "I'll see you later my darling." Then she is gone.

Glancing around the office that Corral uses when she is home, I make sure no one is around and quickly change. Taking a deep breath, I unzip my dress and stand out of it with a strapless tank top under it and skintight shorts. I go to her desk and pull out a pair of jeans that I quickly switch into and then pull-out weapons. I had been smart before I knew Erik was going to put the cuff on me like a dog. Opening another drawer, I pull out a jacket I also stashed away. Need to look professional and ready for a fight when seeing Royals. I remind myself, before putting on my boots that were hiding under the jacket and then gear up, before making my escape.


Arriving to a manhole, I prop it open and slip in landing down on a concrete walk. Pulling out a blade, it lights up the darkness and I start heading to where I need to be. It's been a month or more since I have been down here. Does it smell any better than it did before? Nope, still horrible smelling.

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