Chapter 3

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We all deal with our pasts differently. Some take anger approach to their past because of something that is burned into their minds that they can't handle beyond violence. Some think good thoughts like make gardens. The rest of us take to the GYM and work out our frustrations on the gymnastic gear, swimming pool, weights, defense class's and weapon class's. Today I picked gymnastic work out and try to get to the highest point I can get in just one jump and then work my way up.

Almost to the very top I stop on one of the rollers and just sit down and breath to clear my head as sweat drips from my forehead. I had stayed locked up in my room until I got hungry and changed into different shorts and shirt. Now burning off all the food I had is starting to make me dizzy, course that also might be by the cause of effect of not eating as much souls tonight like I should.

"Evy!" Erik yells out.

His voice is so loud to my ears that I cover them and lean to far forward and start to fall. "Someone catch her!" Someone yells out. Who, I'm not sure they sound so far away. One of the downfalls of not feeding like I'm supposed to, is like when you are fading into such a deep dark sleep that it feels like you will never wake up again. There are other things that will happen as well if you don't feed. Blacking out, not able to stand or move your body, loss of vision-truthfully it all sounds like medication ad on TV.

Movement almost too fast for me to see jumps at the landing spot that I'm going past and grabs my wrist. "You, okay?" they ask as they pull me up to the landing.

"Yeah, just lightheaded," I whisper to them, holding my head as I sway a little bit.

Erik is soon there with us and pulls me into him and looks my face over. "You didn't eat any souls did you." He doesn't have to ask; all he has to do is look at my face and know I haven't eaten enough. "I told you to stop skipping that part of your meals." He says like a parent, scolding their child.

"For your information, I have eaten. Just not enough." Getting, out of his grip, I look away from him and look at the new guy. How do I know he is new? Because I know everyone here. "Thanks for the save, I'm Evy."

He does a short bow. "Derek," he says, as his short red hair hangs around the side of his face, framing his yellow eyes.

"He is a new recruit," Erik says proudly.

"No really, I thought he was just another pretty face," I say sarcastically, then I jump off the landing and land down on the ground nine feet below.

Going to my bag James and Kim join me as I grab my water bottle that has some soul in it and drink it down, getting the edge off. "So, what do you think of the newbies?" Kim whispers as Derek and Erik come down for the same landing, I was just on with them.

Shrugging my shoulders, I drink everything in the bottle. "There three of them, I would have thought we would had gotten more." I tell them as I sit down.

"Looks like the girl has a thing for Erik," James snickers out. "Just wait until she learns the hard truth that he only has eyes for you," he says the last part making kissing sounds with his lips.

"We should set them up," I tell them and of course they go all wide eyes on me. "What? Oh, come on you guys know I hate being the center of his little world." I say with a disgusted look on my face.

"Why don't you like him anyways?" Kim asks sitting down next to me.

James slaps his hand over her mouth as the three newcomers and Erik come up to us. "Everyone this is Derek, Frank and Ali, they are the newcomers," Erik informs us.

"Hi, I'm James," he says with a small wave.

Kim takes James hand off from covering her mouth. "Kim."


Immortals (Editing)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें