Chapter 11

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I feel like I've been plunged into a deep cold sea, never to breath air again. Never to see the last rays of sunlight sink behind the buildings. Everything I've always wanted to do and all the things I've regretted in my long life, come flooding into my mind.

Something shakes me hard, then I feel a hard pain hit my face. Jolting awake, I gasp for air. Then feel the heat on my face. "Told you that it would work," James says proudly.

Turning my head fast, I see him with a proud smile on his face, with his arms crossed over his chest. Kim stands next to him shaking her head. "What the hell?!" I yell out, grabbing the pillow and hitting him with it.

"Evy, stop or you're going to get weak again!" Kim grabs the pillow from me, only to hit James once really hard. Then puts it behind my head. "Told you not to piss her off, see what you get?!"

"Why do women always have to give me hell for the things I do?" He grumbles rubbing his face.

"We've known you long enough, that we can give you hell and it doesn't bother us." She tells him, before sitting down on the bed next to my legs.

Rubbing my head, a slight pain throbs in the back of my skull. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"We missed you to," James says to me, sounding annoyed.

"I don't want you guys to see me like this." I tell them, laying back against the pillows.

"Evy, we haven't seen you in a week!" Kim tells me.

A week? Have I been asleep that long? The last thing I remember is--

The door open's, without a knock and in walks Erik with a set of pink flowers. "Oh you guys are here?" He looks surprised to see them.

James glares at Erik, like I have never seen him glare at him before. James doesn't like Erik, that much is true. But what has happened over a week time, that James would give him such a look? "We haven't gotten to see her as much as you Erik." James tells him, clearly stating that him and Kim aren't leaving and I'm more then glad that they are staying put.

"I'll leave you three to it then. I'll just put these with the others." Erik walks over to an empty vase among flowers overflowing and put's the flowers in the vase. Then puts water in the vase from the bathroom and then finally walks out the door without a word, closing the door behind him.

No one say's anything for a few minutes, until I can't take it anymore. "Okay, what has happened? You never openly glare at him like that and when you do, it's not that bad."

Kim looks up at James, as he shakes his head. "Fine I'll tell her," then she looks at me. "Things have changed since you have been asleep. Corral has taken control again; Erik is of course second in charge and it's driving him crazy. When Erik is crazy, he is driving everyone else crazy of course." She looks up at James then. "Some more then other's," then she looks back at me. "Is it true, that Corral wants you to take over the Immortal branch here for her?"

"Yes, but it's not what you think." I tell them.

"Then tell us what is going on," James leans against the wall, still with his arms crossed over his chest.

Taking a deep breath, I look at them. "The bound of nature must never be screwed with, and that is what she did. Corral messed with nature." I tell them.

"What do you mean?" Kim asks me with a worried look on her face.

"She brought the dead back to life and they are souls and bodies of the people I cared deeply about when I was human those hundreds years ago." I tell them truthfully. "I only found out the truth last week. I seen them before last week but didn't think about it then. I thought maybe, they were people that looked like my friends and family."

"Where were we at?!" James asks.

"Asleep, I woke up hearing the front door open and seen what was going on. I sent them on their way."

"That doesn't make sense, we can't walk out in the daylight without getting burns. How can they walk out in the daylight without burning or dying?" Kim asks us shocked.

"Because we don't have souls like you Immortals. Our souls were brought back from the other side, and stuffed in a clay bodies, that became real." A woman voice tells us, as she walks into the room.

It's Abby and I almost hate her, for being here in my own, but I hate her even more right now just because she came in my room without knocking. I have to behave though, because she's here with Corral. "What do you have to do with this?" I ask her.

She straightens out her jacket and looks down her nose at me. But I don't give her that thought she is better then me, even if she can acid things with her fingers. "Corral is my real mother, she brought me  back to life, when she left you those few hundred years ago Evy. She wanted to bring the dead back to life, to give them a second chance. But as she found out with me, we don't come back the same."

"What makes you different from us really though?" James asks her.

"She was the one that acid my sword," I tell him.

She shakes her head confirming my statement. "We can do other things as well, but the list is very long." She tells us, waving her hand in the air. "My mother, wanted to do a kind thing for Evy, for being the step-in daughter until she could bring me back. When she brought your friends and little sister back to life, something happened. I don't know if it's because of the spell or that fact that she was never part of Evy family; like she is with me. But they turned on her, by seeing Evy more then they should be. They have behaved like good little doll's, but it's only a matter of time before they break their good habits and stir things up."

"So what does signing my name on that paper have to do with anything?" I ask her with a raised eyebrow.

"The one that takes over the Immortal clan here, will control them. The line has to be formed in a new blood line. Mother told me once, that only you are suited taking over, because of your blood line of noble life giving."

"What is she talking about?" James asks me.

"I gave my humanity soul to save my friends and sister. I couldn't save our parents; they had already died. Emma had gotten sick by the time Corral showed up and I looked everywhere I could to save Emma. Corral found me though and promised to make everyone healthy again. The spell she asked her Witch friend to cast, saved them and many more. It just took my human soul to save everyone."

"Evy sacrifice to save so many, only proved to my mother of how strong and giving she is. That is why she wants you to take over."

"I don't want to take over though, if I do then who knows what will happen."

"What do you mean?" Abby asks.

Kim looks up at her. "She can't feed, every time she does, she gets sick."

"Then how can you talk to us if you are so weak?" She asks with big eyes.

My bedroom door opens and in Erik. Again. "The flower's," he says as he walks into the room, closing it behind him.

Clearly, he's been standing on the other side of the door hearing us talk. Creeper!

"The flowers?" James asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Everything has a soul, no matter how small. Next to children souls being pure, flowers have pure souls. She needs pure souls right now to even stay alive. That is why there is so many in here." He tells us.

Abby like the rest of us, is stun. "How did you know that?" She asks him.

"I do read," he tells her, then looks at me. "So what are you going to do?"

Sitting up, I look him in the eye. "Look for my friends and sister, I need to set things straight if I can."

"But what about your health?" Kim asks with big eyes.

"I should be okay, for one night at least."

"Can you find them in one night?" Abby asks me, looking doubtful.

Shaking my head, I push the blankets away from my body, showing them a shirt and long shorts on covering my body. "I know where they are, don't you worry about it."

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