Chapter 5

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They say when you turn some really old age, that you will know everything about life. Is this true? Eh, I have my doubts. The oldest person I know, is the woman that made me the way that I am—Corral and she is about, maybe two thousand years old. If there is someone older then her, I have never met them or I have met them, and they have never told me how old they are.

Why I think about age you might ask? It's because this party is really old. It's like this party celebrates what we are and that is that we are Immortals. It would be nice to know who became the first Immortal and how. But those documents have long vanished—clearly before I became an Immortal.

I remember asking Corral once, after everyone I loved died what made us different from Vampires and Demons. I will never forget her response. "We are not that filth. Many Vampires don't know how to control themselves and those that do, might not take away those people memories so the Sweepers have to deal with their mess. Good Vampires that mind their ways, is rare, so if you find one, be nice to it. Now for Demons, they are worse almost. They can take over human bodies and eat away the soul and then move on to the next and of course the Sweepers have to be called. If you see a Demon, run and if it catches you, then it would be best to end you're self, because with all the souls that you eat, it is only a matter of time, before they find your true soul."

"So, what makes us different from them?" I had asked.

"We clean up after and we only take some of their soul. In a way, we are Sweepers." she had said and that was the end of that, until I asked her what species the Sweepers were.

"Evy," Erik pinches my arm to make me look at him. "Stop spacing out."

"You said, I had to be here. You didn't say I had to pay attention." I remind him as we weave around some Witches laughing about something. "How much longer do I need to be here? I have somewhere to be later."

Erik gets that look in his eye, that says that he is going to pull someone heart from their chest if they are male. "Where do you need to be, that isn't by my side?" He grabs my hand and jerks me into his body.

"I have other things I do; you know? Like keep the peace with the other creatures that aren't here." I say sharply. "Now, how much longer do I need to be here?"

Music starts up and I just want to run away by the sound of it. Only if I could though, the ass hat handcuffed our wrists together, but unlike normal cuffs we can walk away from one another, but we are still leashed to one another. He has the key, but I'm not going there of where he put it. He takes my hand and places the other one on my lower back, then we start dancing, he lowers his head so his lips brush against my ear. "'Forever,'" he whispers.

Bang! The double doors to the ballroom burst open and in walks her.

Pushing Erik away from me, I run to Corral. The one that made me an Immortal. But I stop mid run because that girl is at her side like a pet. Seeing this, is like getting slapped across the face. "Evy!" Corral sees me and is walking to me but stops when the girl calls to her.

"Mother, you were going to show me around and introduce me to everyone," she says in a childlike voice.

Mother? But that's not possible, she said I was her one and only Immortal creation. Immortals can make many more if we want. But there are a few loopholes.

1. The human spirit has to be almost to a broken point.

2. Each new Immortal that is made, the one that made them becomes weak for a while.

3. If the creator and creation break ties, horrible side effects happen.

There is a few different end results, if they are all true I don't know.

There is more than those, but those are the few that have always stuck in my mind more than most for some reason.

When did she make another Immortal? I know we only talk so much, but still, I would have hopped she would had called and told me.

"In a minute Abby, I haven't seen Evy in a long time," Corral tells Abby. Also known as the girl that acid my blade and could had killed me. But why didn't she, is my question.

Corral comes to me in her elegant walk. She wears a dark blue skintight dress. Her brown hair pulled back with a few of her gray hairs showing, but they make her look more elegant. "It's been a long time Corral; we have missed you." Then I drop my voice to a whisper. "Especially me, Erik has been an ass worse than normal."

She smiles at me, that kind loving smile that a mother gives her child. "I have missed you too and that doesn't surprise me. He's always been that way, my understanding he was like that when he was human." She says chuckling afterwards. 

Immortals (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora