Chapter 16

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I can't remember what it was like to be human anymore. I mean, I'm sure I live as close as a human life an Immortal can live. But still, we fight and try to control all around us so much, that it doesn't even feel human and then we eat souls of people. Course the souls we eat, the people don't use or have forgotten. But still, that is a great feet from being human.

At the brim with weapons, from another stash of mine. (Don't judge me, I have stashes around this place just in case something happens.) Pulling my hair back, I leave my room feeling charged like lightning is going out through my body.

Walking to the opening in the hallway; I look bellow. I see many Immortals rushing around, but I don't see Corral or Abby or Erik.

"Evy!" Someone bellow yells out my name, making me look at a girl with black hair.

Jumping over the railing, I soon land down on the ground in front of the girl. "What's going on? Has Erik already been ripped of his Immortalty?" It was true, I couldn't feel his pain anymore since my mother gave me what bit of life of a spirit she had left.

"They left with him some time ago, but none of us can get ahold of anyone that went with them." A man named Wes, a guy I hardly talk to but we do go hand in hand in fights.

"How many?" I ask them.

"Fifty," he tells me.

She took more then half of the Immortals here. What the hell is she doing?! "Get a small group together, we are going to the Chappel." I tell them, before I turn away.

"How do you know they are at the Chappel? Corral didn't even tell anyone where they were going!" Wes call's out.

Stopping half way a cross the room, I pull out my phone to call the other's and find out where they were. "Because if they aren't here, they are going to the next holly place they can go and that is the newest Chappel of Angle's. They need the most pure place they can get to take Erik Immortality away." With that I walk away from them and call James.

"You should be sleeping," he tell's me right away as soon as he picks up.

"Where are you guys?" I ask, as I go down in the basment to go to where we have the cars, trucks, bikes and such.

"We are about a mile from the Chappel." Emma yell's out.

"Stop and don't go near that place, if there is more then half of our people there, then who know's what will happen. Go get our friends, if Correl is going to make an example out of Erik; because of my mistake, then we have to stop her." I tell them, switching to ear peace as I get on one of the bikes and reav it to life.

"We don't have that much-"

I cut James off as I speed down the dark tunnels. "Correl might be one of the oldest Immortal we know, but she also can't stand the sight of someone challanging her right. That is what I am going to do."

"What about her daughter Abby?" Kim asks over the speaker phone.

Turning a hard right, I see my speed is over a hundred. "Last we knew she was on our side. That is all we can hope is that she is still on our side. If she isn't we have to figure a way to put her down. Now go get the other's." With that I hang up on them and keep going on.


Getting off my bike, I notice that there is a lot more cars then I had thought would be in the under ground parking lot of the Chappel. Pulling a dagger from my boot, I flick it like it's nothing and it hits target on a camra that was about to land on me. It wouldn't take long for them to notice that the camra was out, so I quickly make my way to the elvatore.

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