Chapter 2

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With the door closed behind me, I stand on the other side of a long table of the few elders with Erik sitting at the head of it. "You wanted to see me?" without a word Erik throws a scythe at me with a blue blade. Catching it between my fingers it's cold to the touch but not cold enough that it would freeze my fingers. "Something bothering you?" I ask grabbing the handle of the scythe and putting the end on the stone floor. The scythe is his weapon of choice, but truthfully, he's better with a sword then with the scythe. He truly makes a sad excuse for the Grim Reaper spot.

"I heard you talking to the others about skipping the Ball," he says to me.

"So, you felt like throwing a scythe at me? A bit childish don't you think?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You are going Evy!" He orders out.

"Why? I hate that party, it's all the same." I tell him and the others.

"Because you are going to be on my arm," his dark eyebrows pinch together, as if he is talking to a five-year-old, that needs to understand something that they can't get out of.

I throw the scythe at him without thinking about it and he moves just enough it sticks in his tall chair. "Get someone else to do it," I say coldly.

Barber speaks up then, "If you think of it Evy it would be best if you were on his arm. You are the most skilled at what you do, even though you are still young," he says that last word, like it's something bad.

I think back to what Corral had said before I signed my life over. "Once you sign you will not age a day, but your nails and hair will grow. Do not think yourself someone that can truly escape death, because after you are killed, there is no coming back."

"You mean, I am the most skilled in killing in one blow? That is nothing to be proud of Barber and you know it." I dare him to say another word with my eyes, which course he says nothing and goes back to do his crossword puzzle.

Erik gets up on the table and walks to me without even thinking about everything he walks on. He then crouches down at me, his dark hair over casting his right eye. "I will order you to go to the ball with me Evy," he says through clenched teeth.

Holding up my right wrist I show him the gold band that Corral had placed on it herself so many years ago. "You can't order me to do anything." I whisper harshly.

He snatches up my wrist and pulls me to him closer. "You would be surprised what I can make you do," he then forcibly kisses me, then releases me making me stagger back a step. "I had Tammy put some gifts in your room," he then stands up and turns away, then goes back to his chair.

Pulling out a dagger from my boot I throw it at him, which he catches by his ear, and I can see a little blood come from his ear. "You better hope Corral isn't going to be there, or I'll tell her how you are treating the Immortals, how you are treating me!"

"And how am I treating you Evy? With respect? With love? With desire? I thought every woman loved all those things." He says with his back to me.

"You think you know what women want. But you have no idea what I want! You think you love me; you think you respect me, and you think you desire me. But you don't know one thing about me. Not ever since Corral put you in charge." A long time ago, we had once been friends. But now he just a pain in the ass.

He turns around and drops the blade, like it's worth nothing. "You would be surprised what I know about you, Evy. Now go to bed the sun is almost up and you need to get your rest," then he turns away and goes back to his chair.

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