Chapter 7

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I find Corral in her room, that is made just for her. She is the Leader of this Immortal branch after all. I wonder if she has started to notice that the small little town for the underground people has been getting larger, since the last time she was here? I doubt it though, that she would know the creatures down below have had to make their homes larger. As far as I know though, Corral has never gone down below like I have.

She finishes writing her letter, then comes over to me with a smile on her face. "We have business to talk about," she tells me, leading me to her sofa.

"If it includes me dating and or someday marring Erik, I kid you not I will leave this place and never come back." I tell her flatly, giving no indication that I'm kidding in any shape or form.

She laughs at me. "Don't worry, I love you too much to have you marry that moron."

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask her.

She smiles at me, giving me that mothering look she sometimes gives me. I remember my human mom giving me that same look lifetimes ago. "I want you to take over the Immortal branch here." She tells me.

My blood turns cold. "What?"

She shakes her head. "I have thought a lot about it, since I left. You are more able to take care of everyone, then Erik or anyone else for that matter." She tells me.

"But this is your Immortal branch." I tell her.

She shakes her head. "I know, but it's time for a change and our world is changing every day. I understand this a great responsibility, I'll give you some time to think about it, but not too much time." She pulls a stack of papers from under a throw pillow and hands the stack to me. "When you make up your mind, please sign these and send them to Morgan so he can make things taken care of, and then soon enough everyone will know that you have taken control." She tells me.

Looking at the stack of papers, it's like someone just stuck a knife in my chest and twisted. I have never thought of taking things over from Corral. I always thought it would be someone else. "What aren't you telling me?" I whisper, taking her hand.

She kisses me on the head. "I can't tell you right now and I am truly sorry about that. Some day you will find out, and I hope someday you'll forgive me." She then looks at her father's clock against the wall and then back to me. "You need to get some sleep, go to bed."


The next night, I take the stack of papers Corral gave me and leave home. I leave before anyone is really awake and head to the graveyard, where everyone I knew and loved, in my past life are placed. I stop by a flower shop and buy flowers for everyone at a late-night flower shop. Then I go to the graveyard.

I stop by my parents' head stones first and then everyone else's. When I get to my friends' and sister headstones, I sit down in front of them and the guy I had the biggest crush on back then, Samuel. It might sound crazy, but when I am here and even though they aren't, I talk to their headstones as if they are here in person and just sit here listening to me.

"It's been a long time," I tell Samuel head stone. "This is going to sound crazy, but I seen a guy the other day that looked just like you. I thought it was you and he even had some friends with him. I didn't get a real close look to all of them, because I was so focused on the guy that looked like you." Chuckling to myself, I pick up a blade of grass and rub it between my fingers. "Sounds crazy, I know." I whisper, as if someone will hear me.

The wind blows through the graveyard, making my hair fall in my face. "Corral wants me to become the new leader of the Immortal branch here and I don't know what to say to her. Erik likes telling people what to do. But he is an ass, and everyone knows it. As for me, I just don't know what to do. I fight and keep everyone safe, I can't sit with other Immortal Leaders and talk about stuff, that would go over my head. I would rather fight and collect the soul bits that people don't use anymore." I tell the head stone and wanting so bad that he would be here with me, telling me everything will be alright and things will happen the way they are supposed to happen.

A twig snaps, making me stand up fast with a blade in my hand, ready to protect myself.

"Easy," a male voice says coming from the fog.

"Come out," I tell the guy.

He comes out of the fog and there he stands. Samuel ghost or someone that looks a hell like him. "I know that it's a bad idea to be out at night. But why is your knife glowing and why do you even have one in the first place?" He asks me.

Putting the blade away, I keep looking at him. He looks exactly like Samuel in his younger years. I remember Samuel getting married of the age twenty-five, had five kids and by the age of forty, he was killed in the war that spilled into our hometown. He tried to protect his family, only to be stabbed in the heart. I tried to save him, god knows I tried to save him. But I couldn't; the only thing I was good at, was keeping his family safe.

"Who are you?" I ask the boy.

He smiles at me. "You know who I am Evy."

"How is it possible? You died, I watched you die with my own eyes." I want to grab my blade again and protect myself from this messed up vision. But I just can't bring myself, to grab the blade again.

"She made up my body again, along with the others so you wouldn't be so lonely." He tells me, looking at his hands, like he isn't sure they are real at this very moment.

"What are you talking about? Who brought you back to life? You weren't a teenager when you died, you were forty when you were killed." I tell him.

He shakes his head. "She turned back our age clocks when she brought us back, so we wouldn't be old. She wanted us back in your life."

"Who are you talking about?" I ask him, just thinking of someone digging up my friends and sister from the ground. But glancing at the grave, it doesn't look like anyone has messed with his or anyone else's graves.

"You won't find the grave moved, because of you."

Looking up at him fully, I feel shocked. "What are you talking about?" Feeling pain in my heart of what he is about to say. I had cut a lock of everyone hair to keep them close, so I would never lose them again, but I have kept them stashed away for years, I've never told anyone about this, as far as I can remember.

"You know the answer," he tells me, then he steps back into the fog.

Chasing after him, I grab on to his arm. "Who brought you back? Who has played with the death dealings?!" I yell out.

He places his hand on the side of my face. "Not yet, you haven't seen everyone yet."

Something jabs into my back and an overwhelming pain goes through my body, as bolts of electricity goes through my body and then everything starts to fade away, as I fall to the ground. The last thing I see are outlines of people standing in the fog before everything goes dark.

Immortals (Editing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin