Chapter 18

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Opening my eyes, where ever I am in badly lit. Slowly sitting up, I look for Correl but I don't see her. I see the sword I put through her body and blood trailing off to the right. Really, you're trying to escape, instead of finishing me off when I was knocked out? Why didn't you finish me off? I mean, you have already said how much you wish, you hadn't saved my life.

Getting off the ground, I walk over to the sword; hit the hilt with my foot, sending it up in the ground, so I can grab it. Once I'm armed, I follow the blood; being slow as I go to make sure that I don't fall into any traps.

Turning the corner, I look around the corner and feel my heart hit hard against my ribs, to the point that it's almost to hard to keep standing up. But I force myself to stand up, as I keep watching what's going on around in that room.

"So you are the one that she loved so much, that she cried over your grave for weeks." Correl frowns at Samul, as they face off. "I had to pry her off your head stone. Even years later, I would wake up to hear her cry for you and all the others." She tell's him.

I can see Samul body slighly shake, from what she just told him. It's true, but she didn't tell him about the nightmares, of them all coming back to life and trying to suck me away into the pits of hell for becoming what I am.

"We are here now, we won't-"

Correl moves faster then I have ever seen her move before, she behind him less then a second pinning his arms behind his back. "You are here as long as I want you to be here, I can kill you or any of the others and that will be that." She pulls his arms to the point that he screams in pain. "Evy never could understand what I gave her, a new life, a new home, endless wonders of the world and I truly do blame all of you for that. Even in the after life, all of you held her back." Her words are cold, that they send shivers down my spin.

Taking my chance, I charge forward and put Correl in a chock hold. She is a few inches taller then me, so it's a little hard; but I get her none the less. "Let him go Correl, this is between you and me. He has nothing to do with this."

She lets go of Samul, but only for a second and then kicks him in the back sending him a cross the room into the wall. "Fine, your the one I want anyways." She grabs on to my arms, digging her nails into my arms to the point it's almost painful, but I don't let go. "I wonder if they had never been part of your life, that you would be better then you are then you are now."

"I like to believe, that I would be the same way even if none of them knew me. But I have to ask Correl, did your main soul truly shread apart when you brought everyone together or have you always been this way? Hiding behind a mask, to show no one your true self."

She grips me harder and this time she able to throw me against a piller. "Never growing old as an Immortal, we live many lives that is true. But after many, many, many life times; our minds start to pull apart. I thought, with the last sense I would do the only thing that I knew you wanted in all the world and that was your friends and family back to life. I thought I might be able to hold in there, even after bringing your darling mother back to life." She smiles coldy, as I push myself off the ground. "But I was wrong, and now it's time to end this from where it started." She pulls out a hidden dagger from the slit in her dress. "Where life and death are in balance between the two of us, death will win this time." She then charges forward at me.

I need to get my sword or I'm going to be stuck going hand and dager against her. Jumping up in the air, she stops her charge and watches me closely, as I fly above her; but she doesn't see me in time landing drectily behind her and hit her in the side and then kick her left leg; then I jump away from her, as she falls down on to one knee.

Getting my chance, I run for my sword just as Samul gets free from the rocks that barry him. "Evy-"

"Samul you need to stay out of this right now," telling him this, only seconds before I run forward at Correl; only to be blocked by her dagger. "Where is she Correl? Where are you keeping my mother?"

She smiles up at me, just before driving three of her fingers into my leg with so much force, I feel the bone snap in my lower leg. Screaming in pain, I fall back away from her. "She will soon be awaken, don't you worry about it." She lunges at me, dager ready to strike my body; but only for it to be blocked by Samul arm. "You ideate!" She screams out, digging the dager deeper into his arm.

I can see the slight pain that he is feeling in his eyes. "No, you are the ideate, to think that I would just stand by and let you hurt her anymore. I don't care if you brought me back, I will not allow you to kill her." Then he does something I didn't see hidden, he had a dagger hidden in the back of his pants.

Samul doesn't get out of the way in time, when she grabs him around the throat, slamming him down in the ground. "I'm going to send you back to the underworld where you belong." She snarls out.

Moving as fast as I can with a broken leg, I force the pain out of my head and attack her from behind. "Goodbye Correl, may you find peace in the after life." Thrusting my hand through her body, I grab on to her heart and pull it out of her body.

She chockes on blood that comes out of her mouth and hits Samul on the side of the face. I watch as her hands fall from around his throat. She slighly turns around, I can see the light slip away in her eyes. "Tha-Thank yo-you Evy, fo-for setting me fr-free." Her body then falls to the ground and her heart in my hand, with blood covering it and on my hand now, it slowly stops moving.

Looking down at her, I feel like throwing up; because after killing so many beings that have stepped out of the line, I never thought that I would kill the one person that made me who I am. Her body starts to turn into blue flame and so does her heart in my hand. I can't feel the flame just yet, but I think that's because my is still working on over drive.

Placing her heart next to her, we watch as the flames over take her compleatly and thats that, the person that made me who I am and showed me the world; no longer is alive. She was no more. "Evy," Samul carefully walks over to me, like I'll run away from him if he touches me. He slowly wraps his arms around my body, holding me close like I'm a broken doll. Which I might as well as be right now. "It's over now Evy, everything is alright with the world now."

Leaning my head against his chest, I shake my head. "There is still one more thing to do." Pulling away from him, I limp to the only door in this room. Opening the old wood door, there is a person laying on the bed. Limping to the bed, I look down at the person, laying on the bed. The skin is slowly covering exposed bone, new modern day clothes are in placed of her old clothes. Her hair is also growing back slowly, right now it's boy short.


"Please don't leave us mother, you are all we have left!" I cried out in pain, watching as our mother was fading away. Father had already left us days ago, and all we had left was her.

She smiled up at me sadly. "I'm sorry Evy, but I'm not strong enough. But I promise everything will be alright, there is a life out there for you and Emma that I can't even picture. The Grim Reaper is calling for me, like he has called for so many others and when I go, I'll watch over you and Emma from where ever I go."


Tears stream down my face, as I hold on to her hand. "Lay me in compleate rest with those that we love." Then her eyes closed and that was that, she was gone.

Present day:


Samul puts his hand on my shoulder, looking at the body that lays before us. "She would curse me if I allowed her to come back, she told me before all she wanted was rest and watch over us all."

"So what will you do?" He whispers to me.

Tears stream down my face, just like they did that day she left us. "End it before it even starts."


WARNING: One short chapter left to go, then this story will be finished.

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