Every Three Months (Larry)

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That was enough to make Louis unfreeze, hurriedly putting the drinks down and sprinting out the door. He ran to the bicycle racks and fumbled with the lock on his bike, fingers not managing to open it before an arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him back.

“Lou” Harry smiled, turning Louis around and pulling him into a hug. Louis melted into the hug, realizing he couldn’t keep going how he had been.

Harry pulled Louis inside, to where three confused boys were waiting. Understanding shone on their faces when Louis cam into sight. Soon the lad was engulfed in a group hug, before being pushed down into a chair.

“Where have you been Lou?” Niall asked, standing up and grabbing the drinks, which Louis had left abandoned at the counter and bringing them over.

“Here mostly.” Louis said quietly, “After we… after we broke up, I got a flight to Doncaster, stayed with Mum a bit, then came here. Got this job and been here ever since.”

The four boys smiled, “Why haven’t you called?” Liam asked, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

“I… um…” Louis looked down at his hands, unable to say anything. “It was because of me wasn’t it?” Harry said softly and Louis nodded, a tear falling down his face.

The other three boys looked at Harry in confusion and he sighed, “I wasn’t ready for a committed relationship, and Louis was.” He said softly.

He turned back to Louis, “I am now Lou” He whispered, placing a hand under Louis’ chin and gently lifting it so he could look the lad in the eyes, “Not a day hasn’t gone by when I haven’t thought of you, of how much of an idiot I was” He paused, leaning forward slightly, “Of how much I love you”.

Louis breath caught at that statement, looking into Harry’s green eyes.

Suddenly they were kissing, hands tangled in the others hair as Liam, Zayn and Niall looked on in shock.

They weren’t sure what was worse. Finding out your two band mates used to... date, three years after the band broke up, or watching those two former band-mates kiss passionately in front of you.

“Come back to London with me, please Lou” Harry murmured as they broke apart, still holding onto each others hair.

“Yes” Louis smiled, leaning forward and kissing Harry again.

Three Months Later

Returning to London took longer then expected. Louis was going to move in with Harry, so that was accommodation sorted. But he still had to sort out various minor points.

But he was finally on a flight to London, just minutes away from landing. He knew Harry would be there to pick him up, and there would be paparazzi. He knew that and accepted it.

He hadn’t been seen by the paparazzi since their last interview as One Direction, but he had been the subject of many tabloid articles, most asking where he was.

The plane landed, making Louis start. He hadn’t realized they were descending.

First class was let off first and Louis was quickly through customs, most of his belongings have been sent ahead of him.

He paused behind the doors that would let him out into Heathrow airport; this was his first time home in three years, almost to the day. He couldn’t wait to see Harry, truly. But he was scared, what if no one wanted him back? What if everyone told him to just bugger off? Suddenly he longed for the safety, for the peace of Paris.

He pulled himself out of those thoughts. Harry. He took a breath, before turning the corner, stepping out of the doors.

He could see flashes in the distance, as people took photos of Harry, not realizing who had stepped through the doors until a girl, about ten years old, screamed out, “Look! It’s Louis!” and suddenly all eyes were on him.

He could see Harry, smiling at him and he grinned. ‘Stuff it’ he thought, dropping his bag and running forward, catching Harry in a massive hug, which soon morphed into a passionate kiss.

They broke apart grinning as one of Harry’s guards retrieved Louis’ bag. “I missed you” Harry murmured, although it had only been a week since he had last seen his boyfriend.

“I missed you too” Louis smiled, giving Harry another quick kiss.

“You ready for coffee?” Harry asked, it had been three months since the last coffee get together, and so it was time for the next one.

Louis grinned and nodded, taking Harry’s hand as they headed for the door, “Good to be home”.

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