Chapter 2: The Devil's Trap

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There were too many and there was no way in knowing until it was too late. They all surround me all at once. It was a nest full of black eyed demons and they all ganged up. Why wouldn't they? I'm the one they wanted.

I tie the rag around my bleeding arm and quickly started the car. It didn't take time, I hit the pedal once I heard the purr of the engine. The tires kicked up the dirt from the old cabin in the woods.

I toss the empty Pistol into the passenger. Need a plan B. The Demons are on my trail, my tracks and dust and it doesn't help that I'm wounded. They can probably sense the blood as it leaves a trail.

I pull my hair back into a ponytail as I keep glancing into the rearview mirror. No headlights, no nothing. I need help from somebody, but what Hunter would be out here?

I pull out my phone and begin to dial a number. I see a bright light through the passenger side. I turn my head and the pair of headlights is speeding towards me and before there was any time to react, I feel the immediate colossal impact. The tire screeches and a blarring horn screams in my ear. I feel my body slam against the seatbelt and the shattering glass slice my face and arms.

The glass shattering, gut wrenching, metal crushing moment sends a wail of pain to come.

The front end crumpled with the force of impact thrusting two-foot of metal back into the car. The windshield imploded, showering the insides with deadly slivers of glass. Both the driving wheel and dashboard compacted into one mangled mess. The rear side passenger door was savagely torn free from its hinges and the front two wheels were sent spinning out into the night.

The metal of the car groaned like the final cry of some wounded beast and it shuddered once then fell slowly onto its side.

The metal crushes closer together and I scream in horrific pain as my body gets more pinned, stabbed, slice, and punched. I whimper in pain as the car begins to decide if it will fall once more and hopefully not down the trench.

My seatbelt becomes tighter as the car makes another roll and merely stops on its roof. My hands stop myself from falling as I place them on the ceiling. Everything upside down and I can't move.

This world keeps spinning faster into a new disaster.

My body shakes from the freezing temperatures and the pain. The black dots dance as I try to find a way out. The blood streams down my face and soaks my clothes.

You wouldnt expect the radio to work afterward, but it does. The car is eviscerated. The impact of a four-ton pickup truck going sixty miles an hour plowing straight into the passenger side had the force of an atom bomb. My head broke the drivers windows. It tore off the doors, sent the front-side passenger seat through the windshield. It flipped the chassis, bouncing it across the road and ripped the engine apart as if it were no stronger than a spiderweb. It tossed wheels and hubcaps deep into the forest in the ditch beside me. It ignited bits of the gas tank, so that now tiny flames lap at the wet road. And there is so much noise. A symphony of grinding, a chorus of popping, an aria of exploding, and finally, the sad clapping of hard metal cutting into the asphalt of the road. Then it goes quiet, except for this: Need You Now by Lady Antebellum.

The radio scratches as it finds the signal to play the radio station. I whimper as I see another pair of headlights.

Hopefully they'll see the wreckage.
[Castiel P.O.V]

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