One disaster after the next

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"Ohh snap hey wassup. I didn't even recognize you in this uniform. I'm used to seeing you in your exercise bra and shorts."

"Chris aren't you gonna introduce me to your friend?" 😑 asks Nikki

"Of course sorry baby I got carried away. Nikki this is Kelly, Kelly this is Nikki my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend so this is who you're always taking about. Chris has said so much about you. He talks about you all the time. You have a beautiful baby." 😍 says Kelly

"Really he talks so little about you. Thank you for little Angel is is adorable isn't he." says Nikki

"He sure is he gets it from his father." says Kelly

"No she didn't." says Nikki

"You're so lucky to have Chris and Chris Jr. I hope I can meet a guy as sweet as he is." says Kelly

"Well keep looking because this guy right here is mine." Snaps Nikki

"Maybe you should go Kelly."

"I didn't mean to offend you Nikki. Chris is right maybe I should go. Ill be back with your food shortly." says Kelly turning to leave

"What the hell Nikki?"

"Don't start how dare you talk to that girl and act like I'm not evening here. I swear you get on my last nerves sometimes." says Nikki

"She's just my gym buddy. No need to get all upset."

"Maybe to you she's just a friend. I see the way she was eyeing you. She's wants to be more than friends." says Nikki

"It's not my fault girls want me. I'm a pretty boy what do you expect." 😩

"You don't have to entertain them. Whatever little side hoes you got that I should worry about?" says Nikki

"I don't ask you about you're friends. So why you tripping over mine. Ain't nothing wrong with me having girls as friends.

"Yeah whatever I can't wait to get my good and leave. When we leave you better not even tip that bitch." 😒 says Nikki

When our food comes, we eat in silence. That whole Kelly thing just ruined everything. I mean sometimes I look at Kelly I might flirt with her every now and then. I'm a man I can't help it. Niggas throw themselves at Nikki all the time you don't see me beating them up. We're two good looking people. So of course people are gonna try to throw themselves at us.

We almost done with dinner and on to dessert, when Craig walked over. I completely forgot I asked him to come through and sing for Nikki. I had no idea my boy could even sing. One night me and Craig were working late at the warehouse. I over heard him singing. I was blown away by how good he was. I was so impressed I asked him to sing for us at dinner.

The music plays and Craig starts to sing our song.

He stands right in front of our table.

Nikki turns to listen to him sing.

"Aww he's singing our song. I can't believe you remembered." 😍😪 says Nikki getting all teary eyed.

"Of course I do I remember everything about you."

Nikki turns back to Craig singing. When he's done, turns to leave. I owe him big time.

"You got Craig to sing for us. That's the nicest thing any guy has ever done for me. I'm sorry I got so upset about Kelly. I just get jealous when I see girls flirt with you. You're my and I don't want to share." 😕 says Nikki starting to pout.

"You're so cute when your mad." 😍

"Do you forgive me?" asks Nikki

"I was never mad at you to begin with. Now let's get home we need some alone time."

"Sounds good to me." says Nikki

I call a waiter over for the check. After I pay for dinner, we walk outside.

We wait for the valet guy to bring back my car. While we're waiting some guy walks by us. I can't place it but he looks awfully familiar.

He stops to look at Nikki. "Oh so now you gonna like you don't remember me." says the guy

"Anthony what are you doing here? I haven't seen you in forever." says Nikki

"Well after things with Aaliyah I let the scene. Seems like you just up and left town. We've been friends for years and you didn't even bother to say goodbye." says Anthony

"You went out with my best friend what did you expect." Says Nikki

"First of all we pretended to go out. Aaliyah was only with me to make Jacob jealous." says Anthony

"It doesn't matter all of that is in the past. Moving on so back to what I asked you before. What brings you to Miami?" asks Nikki

"I just wanted a little vacation. Miami is the perfect place to relax. Besides they have some of the hottest clubs." says Anthony

"They sure do." says Nikki

"I know you not gonna have me standing here."

"Sorry Antony you remember Chris don't you?" asks Nikki

"Of course how could I forget he stole you from me." says Anthony

"I didn't steal anything you better chill with that shit." 😑

"Relax Chris it's not that serious. Look here comes the valet guy with our car." says Nikki

I see my car get pulled up in front of me. I'm more than happy to leave.

The guy gives me my cars and I give him a $10.

"You coming?"

"Yes just let me say goodbye to Anthony." says Nikki


I walk to the other side of the car and get in.

I wait a few minutes and Nikki finally gets in the car.

"What the hell was that?"

"Don't be like that you know he's an old from. I've known Anthony since I was a baby in diapers. We used to take bath together." Says Nikki

"He better be just an old friend."

Whatever Chris you don't own me." snaps Nikki

Oh really. I I'm the one who gives you money and takes care of you. I take care of Chris Jr. don't I? When you need something I'm the one who makes it happen. The way I see it, I do own you."

"You're way out of line." I never asked you to do any of that. I thought you did all of those things because you loved me. Not because you wanted to control me." says Nikki

"This conversation isn't over wait until we get home. I don't feel like talking about this conversation is over."

Nikki doesn't say anything she just looks out the window.

I drive the car in complete silence.

When we get home I don't even bother to open the door for her. I walk inside the house and go straight to my room.

I go into the bathroom and strip my clothes off. Maybe a nice shower will calm me down. Just seeing that nigga and the way he was looking at Nikki, makes me sick. 😫

She better not try to talk to him. He better stay the hell away from me and mine while he's here, or else all hell will break loose.


More on the way 🌚

Once In A Lifetime (Sequel to Secrets)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin