Switching Partner?

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Alden felt Jon's stare at him when he turned to look at his friend, he was not mistaken. Jon has been sending a signal glare at him.

Alden smile. He must have been giving me signal a couple of minutes ago...Hhmm... What is he up to?

He formed word on his lips without creating any sound hoping that Jon would understand him.


Jon answered back, motioning only his lips as well, the words formed without any sound coming out.

"Let's change partner"

"What!" Alden was surprise on what Jon said.

"Let's switch partner!" Jon said only forming the words in his lips with no sound coming off.

Alden shakes his head. "No!"

Jon knotted his brows and seems can't stop himself to walk to Alden's side.

All the MC and other guest was busily talking to each other, asking question on what's new on their life and other stuff so they did not much notice when Jon went to Alden...well, except for the camera man...who made everything sure that all moves was held on tape.

The camera zoom on to the two as Jon went near Alden and whispered something which makes Alden's brows meet in the middle.

"Bro! Let's switch partner! I'll let you have a chance to be partnered with Jazz this time while you let me be partner to Maine", Jon whispered with a hopeful eye looking at Alden.

(Note: Bit of a background: Jon and Alden both have met Jazz before in a show where they all have been a guest and Jon has already been a partner of Jazz on that show hence he's trying to persuade Alden to switch since Alden has not yet tried to be a partner of Jazz before)

"Hey! No! I won't!" Alden said quickly upon hearing clearly what Jon wants.

Jon pouted, making a sad face, "Please! I really like to be partnered with Maine...you'd remembered when I told you that I think I have fallen for her at first sight?"

Alden nod a little, unsure if he remembers, "Ye—eah"

"So, now it's my time to make sure if I've really fallen for her, don't you think, Bro?"

Alden's eyebrows meet more in the middle. His face was in disbelief and annoyance all at once...He can not accept the request Jon was trying to say to him. He just can't! Aissh! She's my wife! Are you crazy?! He'd wished he could tell that to Jon but not yet he can't.

"You can't fool me, that was years ago. If you really like her, you should have made your move before and not now when you only see her again"

"But---"Jon's word was cut off by what Alden's next words, "and I thought you like Jazz?...This is a reality show. So bear with it. You choose her when she still has her mask on, that's your fate, okay?"

"Alright", Jon said while walking to get back to Jazz's side, his head was looking at the ground.

Alden sighed. He doesn't want to argue to Jon but what can he say.

Maine then notice Alden's mood and turned to him, "Is there a problem?"

"Jon", he said.

His wife raise one eyebrow, "What about Jon?", and then she looked at Jon who was now on Jazz's side and talking to the MC's.

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