Deans Epilogue

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Epilogue Dean~~
Dean will never recover because in that one day he lost his lover and his brother. He blames himself entirely, he was suppose to check the ice after all. He still cries himself to sleep at night and holds a photo of Cas and Sam every wear. He prays that one day he'll wake up an realize it was nothing but a nightmare. The funeral was the hardest for him, everyone was there since they decided to give Cas an Sam the same one. He finally saw Castiels family. Lucifer and Michael looked like a good match but he couldn't really tell because they were crying the whole time. Anna seemed like a blank slate. She had no emotion, she just looked dead. Dean tried to speak for Cas but couldn't because he broke down crying as soon as he saw the pictures Gabriel took hanging every were. They all looked so happy to him and all he wanted was to live those pictures again. He wanted to kiss Cas again. He wanted to hug Sam one more time. He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs how much he loved them both but he couldn't because he wasn't able to form a full sentence without sobbing. He goes to Castiel and Sam's graves everyday. He talks to them and tells them both how much he loves them. How he'll never find another one like Cas again and how Sam was the best an most smart person and brother in the world. He talked to Gabriel. Gabriel was hurting just as bad and they sat together a lot. Gabriel stayed at Deans place a ton and vise versa. Sometimes they were afraid too be alone, afraid of what they could do if they just sit. But it's now two years later. Dean is still the same but he's managing. He couldn't take those orange shutters so he moved three months after the accident. He's now in Kansas with a German Shepard named 'The Colonel'. He sent letters an pictures to Gabriel to stick on the grave because to Deans knew he still talked to both everyday. He works at another mechanics shop he called 'Bumblebees' after Castiel. Deans still not okay but he's dealing. He can go to sleep at night without crying before. He can utter the words 'I love you' to people now. He knows that Castiel was his true one and only so he doesn't even look for another because even if he can mutter those words they never mean as much as they did to Castiel. He can now eat waffles again and hear the song 'Let It Snow' and 'Jingle Bell Rock' without sobbing. I mean he's far from okay but he's not as broken. He's just dealing, he's living until he dies. Waiting until he can see Castiel and Sam. To him he finds it funny that some people cherish the time alive when he's going to cherish his time in the after life. Maybe it's because he'll finally be able to tell Sam everything he truly wanted to or how he'll be able to kiss Castiel again. So right now he's just dealing and counting down his time until he can see the people he loves most again.

Next chapter and now here's a second sorry

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