Sorry About Your Dad

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     Why did Gabriel suddenly turn all awkward and cold towards me? Sam wonders as he drives the car down to Anklets. He didn't say anything odd or strange, maybe this is just a weird thing going on, who knows?

     "So Gabriel do you bake at the bakery or just work," he says uncomfortably.

     "I bake in the back," Gabriel says.

     "Do you like it?" Sam asks.

     "It's okay. I come home all sticky and sweaty. But I like the people working there. Does your girlfriend work in the shop?" He asks forcing for the word girlfriend out of his mouth. Sam doesn't seem to notice.

     "No she can't due to a medical problem," he responds back to Gabriel. After that they sit in an unpleasant silence. Gabriel tugs at the sleeve of his shirt and Sam tries to think we're Anklets is. He used to go there a while back with Dean when he lived closer by. Him and his brother would sit down and converse about how shitty life was at the moment. However in the end they all knew it wasn't that bad, everyone had something worse.

     When they were kids it was always Dean, him, their mother and father. Life was absolutely perfect, as Dean would say 'an apple pie life'. There mother was a lovely lady or so he is told. He was only about two when she died in a house fire. He doesn't remember her and as a kid it hurt him but he never complained because Dean had it worse. Dean did remember her, he was the one who really was in pain is what Sam always decided. So he just shoved himself into his studies and worked hard. It never really helped however when he could hear his fathers fist pounding into Deans ribs. It never helped when there father came home reeking of alcohol and spouting of rude comments towards Dean. It never really helped just distracted. But he thought that if he kept up his grades and went to Stanford everything would be alright. He would be out of the house, it wouldn't be his problem.  But it got worse before he could get out.

     It was May 2nd, Sam's birthday, when their dad came home. He reeked of alcohol and sweat. But when he came home it wasn't like all the other times it was bad, real bad. Their dad came home with bloody fist and a broken nose. He screamed at Sam and Dean. He tried to hurt Sam but Dean stood between them and took Sam's beating. But it wasn't like the other beatings, a few fist and hurtful words this one was going to kill him. So little Sam ran up too his room and called his Uncle Bobby, he wasn't his real uncle but they called him that. So his Uncle came running to there house, he lived closer at the time and saved the boys. Till this day Sam can still hear his brothers cries, and the loud smack of his dad's fist on Deans but that's not what haunts him it's the words he spoke. He told Dean that he was the reason there mom died. That it was his fault that he couldn't save there mother and that it was his fault she burned on the ceiling.

     "Sam are you okay," Gabriel asks lightly. Sam didn't realize he was crying.

     "I'm fine thank you," he says unable to stop crying. Gabriel looks at him with so much compassion and kindness that it melts Sam's heart.

     "No your not. I've worn that look before and it sure as hell doesn't mean you're fine," he says touching Sam's shoulder. Just then Sam pulls into Anklets. He stops the car and wipes away his tears.

     "Go inside your going to be late," Sam says try to smile and failing.

     "Not until your okay," Gabriel says pulling Sam into a hug. At first Sam stiffens but Gabriel's warm body against his makes him loose it. He starts to weep into Gabriel shoulder. He cries and cries letting out all of the emotions he's been crying himself to sleep at night for. Letting out all of those forced years of maturity, and held in feelings. Gabriel rubs his hand over Sam's back comforting him because he understands, because he never had a shoulder to cry on either. Sam weeps until there is no more tears left to drain. He pulls away wiping his eyes.

     "I'm sorry you shouldn't be late," he says. Gabriel shakes his head softly.

     "It's nothing. Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" He says, "Believe it or not I probably understand," he says quietly.

     "Not right now, maybe never," Sam says.

     "I can deal with not right now but not ever it only going to hurt worse. Tell me when your ready. I'm always home," Gabriel says slipping out of the car, waving goodbye, a soft smile on his lips. A fluttery feeling bubbles up into Sam's throat as he watches Gabriel walk away. However little did Sam know was that he was slowly falling in love with Gabriel Novak and he couldn't do anything to stop it. But then again why would he?

Okay so short chapter but some huggy huggy action was going on. But was that ending some foreshadowing or am I just mad?!?!? I actually don't know but whatever! So what did you think? Was it good? Should I keep doing this? Well if not don't tell me because I don't wanna hear it. So thanks anyway, thanks for reading, keep going...

Christmas Angel   {Destiel/Sabriel}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt