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Dean is offering me a ride. I don't know him but he seems normal. However he runs a mechanic shop, does that change anything? Castiel wonders.

"Um Castiel?" Dean says turning towards him.

"What?" Castiel says Dean snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Do you wanna ride or not?" He says.

"Yes,"' is all that Castiel says. Both men then sit in a somewhat awkward but comfortable silence. Dean focuses on driving and Castiel looks out the window at the falling snow. He finds it wondrous how each flake is different. How they are such delicate and unique patterns. Each one there own creation, their own art. He also finds them sad but relatable. He finds them relatable in the tone that each snowflake is falling not a care in the world and they must know that they will reach the end at some point. However they do not know if they will land in a place that will destroy them or keep them safe. With they land dangerously in a hands melting on the spot or will they land at the top of a house safe and sound? These thoughts busy Castiel until they reach the small shop. Dean gets out first and Castiel follows suit. Both men walk into the tiny building and Dean flicks on a light rubbing his hands together.

"So I'm gonna try and get something done on your car. I won't take more than a few hours then I can drive you to where you wanna stay or something," Dean says pulling out a box of tools. Castiel shrugs and sits down in a red metal folding chair. He squirms uncomfortably before settling down. He shuts his eyes in hopes of some sleep but finds that he can't, not in this unknown place at least. So he sits and thinks about his ex, not that he should mind you. He thinks about her red hair and how she practically ran naked in front of him for attention. Also how she said she served the human race and that that was her duty. He chuckles now about how incredibly odd she was. However maybe that is why Castiel loved her. Well not true love, more in the sense of I can settle down with this. Sneak a few kisses in there and bam happy life kind of love. Not the type that makes you weak in the knees or has butterflies flapping in your stomach every time you hear them say your name. No he decides he didn't love Hannah like that he loved her because she was simple yet unpredictable. She kept him on his toe without going to crazy and he liked that. However he could never imagine her cheating, he gave her everything she needed. Actually he planned to propose to her in a year or so. So you can imagine the pain that cracked his heart when he heard about her secret relationship. It even pains him now but more in the sense of red hot fury also a tad drop of pity. It was an weird mixture of emotions running through him. He didn't like it so he moves on to his favorite brother Gabriel.

He had a big family with five kids. Michael the oldest. Lucifer the second oldest also adopted. Anna the third oldest and then Castiel. Gabriel was the youngest. No one knows for sure why Lucifer is adopted but no one questions it considering everyone else was born into the family. Our family was nice well if you ignore the fact that our father left us Castiel thinks. He has long forgiven his father but secretly of he ever saw him he would kill him for leaving the family like that. Michael luckily was old enough to contain legal guardianship of the family. They stay in the house that was in a nice suburban neighborhood. Lucifer took it easily, never really liked father much anyway. He always said that it was stupid that he adopted a son and didn't love him. However as horrible as it sounds it's true, fates hated Lucifer. He said it was truly putrid how he acted. Sometimes Castiel thinks their father beat Lucifer but no one told a soul.

Anna took the disappearance hard. She loved father best and father loved her right back. They were inseparable. She actually disappeared herself for a few years. She left only at the tender age of sixteen. Said she had to go find herself. He actually only heard from her last year. She came for a visit at his apartment, only his father knows how she tracked him down. She was there with two if her children, said she that a man named Milton rescued her from her perdition and that she hopes Castiel will be raised from his soon. Truthfully Castiel never thought he needed raising in the first place. Now he's not so sure, he thought he was risen by Hannah but now he feels strange. Almost empty at least.

Then of course there was Michael. He took the disappearance as if it didn't happen. Castiel knows deep down that it's left a scar that will never be healed. He personally tried to help Michael but he claimed he was fine. So Castiel let Michael drown himself in the other children's needs. Michael was left to care for young kids. Castiel was only fourteen with poor Gabriel being only ten. So after a small while of searching for sixteen year old Anna they eventually gave up and just lived. Michael had three jobs and Lucifer struggled to keep one. Castiel collected aluminum cans off they street and well Gabriel shoplifted. Nobody was suppose to know that but he was young and knew how to do it. He only ever told is straight out to Castiel he was afraid everyone else would beat him for it. Even if Michael would never hurt a fly, nobody was ever to sure about Lucifer he was always one screw loose. What finally ripped the family apart was when Lucifer and Michael got together. Not like sleeping together but like admitted there relationship to the family. It was a surprise and a little bit awkward but over all no one cared, they were adopted in all. Also no one acted like Lucifer was blood they acted as if he was a family friend. Plus everyone in the family already had a sneaking suspicion. But then the neighbors found out. They spray painted incest on the garage and Michael lost his job, Lucifer to. Castiel was nineteen then and Gabriel fifteen. They had to move but they couldn't all stay together it was just too odd. So Castiel took Gabriel they moved to a different part of Florida. Michael and Lucifer friend to stay in touch for a month but lost contact soon after. When Gabriel turned eighteen he left and Castiel moved to California. He hasn't seen or talked to Gabriel in a full year. Now he actually can't wait to see him. Gabriel is a great brother and he also wants to talk to him about getting back in contact with the rest of the family. Castiels not sure how he'll react. Suddenly Dean walks in covered in blood but oddly still smiling.

Hey I would have updated yesterday but I got my iPad taken away so I couldn't. Also comment what POV you like best. Also I included the ship of Michael and Lucifer. But that's not the main plot of the story so don't get exited. What did you think and was it good? Should I keep going? Will anyone every read this? I'm not sure but thanks if you are and so far no one is but for those future readers, thank you and keep going.

Christmas Angel   {Destiel/Sabriel}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang