Welcome to the Neighborhood

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Neighbors, Castiel thinks.

"What an odd coincidence," Castiel says.

"I hope you paint those ugly orange shutters. They have been driving me crazy ever since the old neighbors left them like that," Dean says. Castiel smiles softly. Maybe Dean being his neighbor isn't all that bad. Suddenly Castiels phone rings. He fishes his flip phone from his pocket and looks at the ID, Hannah. He debates answering it but does because even if he doesn't know to he secretly wants her to say she loved him, even if he would never take her back.

"What do you want?" He says answering the phone rather rudely. Dean shoots him a questioning look before turning back to the road.

"I want you to explain why you left to me," she says.

"I didn't leave you! You were having intercourse with another man!" Castiel says angrily.

"I was having an affair because you weren't giving me what I craved," She says defensively.

"Why are you calling," Castiel snarls at her. She yips at him before speaking again.

"I heard from the school that you were gay is that true?" She says.

"I'm bisexual assbutt," Castiel says annoyed not noticing the way Deans ears perk up.

"Oh my goodness," she yells, "You could have at least told me you have had another mans lips on yours. You are a little rat!" She cries.

"Get a life Hannah. I told you numerous times. Never call again or I am getting the police force involved for harassment," Castiel says immediately hanging up the phone without a response. He groans and rubs his forehead with his fingers.

"Wow, you okay there?" Dean asks.

"No," Castiel says exhausted, "My ex called to complain to me about being bisexual," Castiel freezes, what if Deans homophobic? What if he kicks me out of his car?

"Man ex's can be real bitches," he says not even touching on the fact that Castiel just told him he was bi. He breaths a small sigh of relief, little does he know that all that is being repeated in Deans head was, no homo for him. But instead of being all weird Dean pulls over at a food place. "I'm hungry, you want anything?" Dean asks a half asleep Castiel.

"Um," he says looking at the restaurant, "I'll have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich," he replies.

"Want a milk carton with that?" Dean says sarcastically.

"Actually yes," Castiel replies and Dean rolls his eyes. Dean ordered Castiel his kids meal while he grabs a burger. Dean eats while driving and Castiel happily enjoys his sandwich.

"So why are you moving from California to a lame town in Indiana," Dean asks trying to make small talk.

"How did you know I was from California?" Castiel asks suspiciously.

"License plate," Dean replies and Castiel nods.

"I got fired from my job as a religious professor at an all girls school. My brother lives close by as you know. He wanted me to move by because he said that Creek Circle was 'lame'," Castiel says doing air quotes around the word lame. Dean chuckles.

"Well," Dean says pulling into the neighborhood, "This where you will stay. I'll give you the run down, I know everything about everyone," he says slowing down the car.

"This is ridiculous," Castiel says.

"No it's not," Dean retaliates. He points to a small gray house and begins to explain, "That's Charlie's house. She has fiery red hair, a real geek but a nice gal," he points to a big brown house, "That's Benny, a little ruff around the edges but a good guy overall," he points at a black house with dead flowers in the front, "That's Crowley, he drinks cow blood, tries to act all tough but a softy a heart. Oh yeah and he steals candy and cries at Marley and Me," Deans says. He then pulls up outside Castiels and Deans houses. "Now here's this guy," Dean says pointing at his house, "He's a mechanic, loves pie and likes AC/DC. He also is the local mechanic and problem fixer," Deans tells Castiel grinning.

"The town is very complex,"

"Seems to be," Dean says.

"Why haven't you decorate for Christmas Dean?" Castiel asks, "Your are the only house without lights or a wreath,"

"I don't do Christmas," Dean says grimly.

"Understandable," Castiel says simply. Dean is relived that Castiel didn't push anymore because truthfully he didn't have an answer. It was truly just that he never celebrated Christmas. He had Sam close by but he had to spend it with Jess and he had Lisa but Christmas with her was useless. A lot of times she spent it with family and Lisa's family hated Dean so he was never invited. He honestly just didn't do Christmas.

"Dean I need my boxes," Castiel says breaking his trance. Dean jumps and runs to unlock the trunk. He sheepishly says sorry and then without a thought both are unloading the boxes in to Castiel house. Within five minutes they've are done and Dean is standing on Castiel doorstep both men just starring at each other. No one does anything until Dean clears his throat.

"You must be tired, I'll go," Dean says.

"If you want to stay you can," Castiel says suddenly. Dean freezes, had Castiel just invited him in?

"Okay," Dean says smiling a little. Castiel ushers him into his lightly furnished house. (Movers had been coming and going)

"Let's watch the Hallmark channel," Castiel suggests knowing that there will be Christmas movie on.

"You have no T.V," Dean says and Castiel shrugs digging through a tightly packed box. He pulls put a small box T.V and plugs it into the wall. He grabs a few miscellaneous blankets and pillows. He throws them on the floor, pulls up a mattress resting a giants a wall.

"Walla" Castiel says turning the television on and sitting down. Dean follows finding this a tad odd since they just meant that day but for some reason to him this just feels right. Both sit down and Castiel flips to the Hallmark channel finding 'It's a wonderful life' on. He keeps it and nestles into his blankets and pillows. Dean does the same and they sit watching the movie in silence. Neither man noticing how they are in a way, cuddling, as the movie comes to a close. Castiels head rests on Deans chest and Dean throws and arm around Castiel. Both men's legs are entangled and they sit peacefully watching the movie. Not long after the first movie both men's eyelids flutter close and they'd drift asleep. Both completely at peace as Castiels head moves up in down in sync with Deans breathing. The warmth radiating off Castiels body keeping Dean warm. Both are completely at peace as they cuddle up against each other not another care in the world.

We got cuddle action!!! Yeah!! But what will happen in the morning or what about Sabriel over there making out? That's in next chapter don't worry. It it be in Sam's POV because I want it to be. I try an update everyday if you haven't noticed, sometimes on weekends but you know, got to be social, family orders. But next week I won't update on Wednesday and I might possibly not update on this Friday either I'm not sure but I'll give a closer notice when it comes time.
So how was it, beginning was a tad boring but it needed to be done for Dean to know Cas is available and bi. So I'm glad this is getting reads. More than I anticipated even though it's only 36 but 36 views in a week and a half so that's kinda cool. So anyway sorry for my rambling, thanks for reading and as always keep going

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