Let it snow

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When Dean had kissed Castiel it was like nothing Castiel had ever had before. It felt almost terrifying. It was something special, new to Castiel. He was never one to get into relationships. As a kid he never had time so he never felt those urges. He never could keep one because he was so focused on keeping Gabriel safe. He felt it was his responsibility and with Hannah he never kissed like that. Also now that was just settling into not having to keep Gabriel safe, even if it was years ago, he still finds it hard to have those emotions. That's why he liked Hannah and wanted to marry her. She never seemed to mind that from him but now? He had just kissed Dean and he had for once felt that. He felt needed, important, wanted. In his life Castiel never once felt wanted. He had felt needed but not wanted. Wanted was when you were loved and cared for. Gabriel had loved him but he didn't love him in the respect that if he meant him on the street as strangers they would like one another. It was family love, you are blood and that makes you family. At least that was what Castiel always thought.
"Cas, um, are you okay? I'm sorry if you didn't like that, I just-" Castiel can tell Dean is scrambling for words as he reads Castiels unreadable face. He quickly gets out from under Castiel and stands in the room awkwardly.

"No reason to apologize Dean. The kiss was enjoyable," Castiel says blankly still trying to process his emotions. Dean looks even more confused after Castiel speaks. He rubs the back of his neck. Finally Castiel decides that his feelings have registered. "I liked the kiss Dean, no reason to be embarrassed,"

"Good?" Dean asks almost in question form.

"I would enjoy being more than strangers if that is okay with you," Castiel says and Deans face turn to utter an complete confusion.

"What the hell does that mean?" Dean asks throwing up his hands.

"It means I would take pleasure in being more than just people who played twenty questions an slept over at each other's houses,"

"Jeez Cas I'm asking if it's sexual or just friends," Dean says his face turning a small bit red.

"Oh... OH!" Castiel says a sudden realization punching him in the face. "Why not try the titles of boyfriend and... Boyfriend," Castiel says hesitating.

"I was hoping you were going to say that," Dean says. "So Cas what shall we do today to celebrate our zeroth anniversary?" Dean says a little confused about the zeroth thing.

"Why don't we try ice skating?" Castiel says. Dean shrugs and says okay. On the way to the rink they jam out to some AC/DC. Castiel even finds himself being drawn the band himself. Once they pull in they pay ten dollars and go get their skates. It's an outdoor rink and the snow still falls slightly. The rinks is decorated with tinsel and evergreen. Small white colorful lights are draped across the decor. Christmas songs blare through a old speaker. The song 'Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow' currently plays. As they stick on their skates Dean drapes himself over Castiel and sings, "Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow." They get a few stares but they ignore all of them. When they get out onto the ice Dean flourishes due to the fact that he did hockey as a kid but Castiel doesn't. He falls at least four times before he finally gets some sort of hand on it.

Dean holds his hand and they skate freely through the rink. Some look at them and chuckle, maybe to the fact that they are gay but maybe that Dean is some buff guy and Castiel isn't. But the again who cares, but what really takes that cake is when a adorable little girl with pink tails comes to them. Both are resting out side of the rink before going again as she goes towards them.

"Why were you holding hands?" She asks her head bobbing around.

"Because he is my boyfriend," Dean says not even hesitating.

"You can do that?" She asks her mouth open, " I didn't think you could,"

"Yes it's perfectly okay," Castiel says. The little girl turns around to her mom and jumps up an down.

"Mom, mom can I have a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend?" She asks, her smile ear to ear.

"If you want," the mom says back smiling. Dean and Castiel both grin. She turns back to Dean and Castiel.

"Can you kiss for me," she asks and the mom looks surprised.

"You can't just ask people to kiss," she says and Dean smiles before grabbing Castiel and kissing him passionately but not to furious because of the kid. They pull back and the little girl smiles.

"It's fine," Dean says. The mom laughs and nods before pulling her daughter away. "Want to go skate again?" Dean asks and Castiel nods.

"Yes my favorite song is playing," Castiel says as 'Jingle bell rock' plays through the speakers.

"Really?" Dean says and Castiel chuckles before pulling him into the rink. They skate until there legs are jello and their sides ache with how much fun they are having. On the way home they both talk about the snow as it seems to make Castiel very happy. However they never do make it home that night. Something blocks there way.

Sorry short chapter with just a lot of useless crap involved. In my spare time away from this story I'm writing a solo Sabriel story. It's where Gabes a actor on the drama play and Sam is the new guy that does sound. I won't publish it until I finish it and trust me I'm trying to make that one short. So again I apologize for having this be such a sucky chapter and I promise better stuff is going to come soon. I have a vague idea of how this will end but I'm not really sure how I'll ever get there. So why not a time skip?!? Are those good!? I'm not sure so anyway thanks for reading and keep going

!!!!The story I described above ended up being put on hold but I have another Sabriel story called 'Open Your Eyes'. It's where Gabriel is an amputee who's complementing suicide and Sam's got ten days to get him not to. Go to my account to find it!!!!

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