Mabye He's Not All Bad

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When Jo told him the strange blue eyed mans situation it was hard to say no. Besides business. Even if Dean wouldn't admit this, he found the blue eyed man gorgeous and that might have played into it as well. No matter how many times Dean pounded the phrase, no homo, in his head it was still a small reason. So as he shook the mans hand he found it rather cold.

"Wait you walked the whole three miles over here," Dean says sort of flabbergasted.

"Yes, how else would I have gotten here," Castiel says obviously annoyed at the question.

"I don't know hitchhiked," Dean says shrugging his shoulders.

"That's very dangerous Dean," He says back.

"Well never mind that. I'm done with my meal so wherever your ready to go just tell me," Dean says scooting back over to his original chair.

"I'm ready now," Castiel announces eager to leave this place.

"Okay eager beaver let's go," Deans says hitching a bag over his shoulder an walking out. Castiel throws a five on the table and follows. He notices Dean has his hand out catching the snow when he walks out. He freezes in spot, snow.

"It's snowing," Castiel says amazed. He gasps and also holds out his hand. "Is it true every snowflake is different?" Castiel asks. Dean turns to him raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," he says slowly, "Where are you from?"

"Originally from Florida but moved to Califonia less than a year ago" he responds still mesmerized by the puffy white flakes. Deans makes an oh sound and let's Castiel have his moment. "They are beautiful," Castiel says suddenly. "Each one different, but yet the same thing at the same time. It's almost like us, unique in our own way but yet we still have the same nature," Castiel says in awe as a snowflake falls on his hand. Dean smiles softly at the man. He watches as Castiel examines the snowflakes and looks closely at them until they melt. He stares as snowflakes land in the blue eyed mans hair. His hair is a deep brown moving widely in all directions. But his eyes our what stand out most to Dean as he stands in the snow. They are the bluest blue he's ever seen. They are the color of a rushing river. Dean swears he can almost see angel wings splaying behind him as he grins like a child. He looks up at Dean. "We can go now," he says his cheeks turning a tad pink.

"Oh okay," Dean says turning away embarrassed for staring at the man. He begins walking and Castiel jogs up beside him. They walk in an awkward silence. Finally they reach Deans shop. "So this is it," he says awkwardly. "I'm going to go grab my tow truck. You can come inside," Deans say opening the garage door an stepping inside. Castiel follows suit hoping to get into the warmth but only finds that he's getting out of the snow. Dean then leaves to get his tow truck, finding that for some odd reasons he can't get the man out of his head. All that is circling his brain is those eyes. A beautiful blue. No Dean thinks, no homo.

Finally he comes back to Castiel sitting on the floor legs crossed like a child. He smiles slightly and curses to himself for thinking that.

"Okay ready to go?" He ask Castiel.

"I can just stay here," Castiel responses.

"Umm so you can rob me? I don't think so. Hop into the passengers seat," Dean instructs. Castiel reluctantly follows his orders and hops into the seat next to Dean. Dean then waits for Castiel to get buckled and while he waits he puts on his favorite cassette tape, AC/DC. He puts the volume lower than he normally would due to Castiel. When Castiel is ready to go Dean leaves his shop and rides down the road toward Castiels car.

"What's it look like?" Dean asks.

"It's a beige 1978 Lincoln," he responds dully. Deans looks over at Castiel and sighs.

"So, what's dragged you into Indiana," Dean asks in an attempt to break the awkward silence.

"Well I got fired from my job as a Religious Professor and my brother lives in Indiana so I moved," Castiel replies just as dully as before. Dean makes and Oh sound and focuses on the road.

"Where does your brother live?" Deans ask. Why do I keep trying to talk to this guy? Dean thinks. Cause you think he's hot. Dean is almost appalled with his own mind and shuts it out completely.

"Creek road, circle, something like that,"

"Oh my brother lives on Creek Circle," Deans says. Castiel turns to him.

"My brother hates it their," and he turns back to the window. Dean is silent after that. So after ten minuets of a lot of awkward silence they finally get to the 1978 Lincoln.

"Beautiful car," Dean says running his hands along the hood.

"It was my adopted fathers, Chuck," Castiel responds.

"Okay cool," Dean responds opening the truck only to be greeted by the same black smoke at Castiel. "Wow this boys gonna need some work," he tells him coughing.

"It is old," he says back.

"Yeah I guess it is," Dean says already half way done hooking up the car to be towed. "This is gonna take a few days. I'm going to half to keep it in the shop. You might wanna load up your stuff in the truck and be ready to call someone,"

"I have know one to call," Castiel responds. "But I will load up my stuff," he says loading the first box. Then the second until he's loaded all five boxes into the car. He finishes this just as Dean is done loading the car to be towed. They both pile back into the car.

"What about your brother?" Dean says responding to Castiels comment on having know one to call.

"My phones broken and Gabriel has a knew number that I don't remember yet," Castiel says. Man, Dean thinks, this guy has terrible luck.

"I can drive you," Dean says unexpectedly.

"What if I'm a axe murder," Castiel says completely serious.

"Then that's unfortunate for me," Deans says with a chuckle. Castiel looks over at Dean a small smile on his lips for the first time that night. Maybe he's not as bad as he looks, Castiel thinks.

Next chapter Sam and Gabe will talk I promise!! So how was it? I promise in the coming chapters more cute things will happen soon. I promise a lot don't I? Well you can never promise to much. (Just joking that's a lie). I'll try and update tomorrow but school and yoga so I'm not sure. Wanna give me suggestions I'm all ears. So thanks for reading, keep it up!!

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