I Got Your Mail...

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The clock ticks and with Gabriel done with his painting he's practically bouncing off the walls. He glances at the clock for the fifth time that minute, two hours, Castiel should have arrived two hours ago he thinks. Where is he? Suddenly the door bell rings. He jumps into the air and races down the steps. His big brother is here and he hasn't seen him in a year. He flings open the door only to see his lanky neighbor standing outside. He sighs.

"Oh," Gabriel mumbles, "It's just you,"

"Yeah it's just me," Sam jokes awkwardly, Gabriel notices he holds a package. "I got your two Pound bag of lollipops," Sam chuckles handing Gabriel the box. His eyes light up when he takes them.

"I didn't know they would come so soon!" He exclaims. "Wait your a mailman?" He says narrowing his eyes. He glances behind the tall one and sees no mail truck.

"Nope, just got it at my doorstep," he says. Gabriel shrugs. He's never spoken this much to his neighbor so much and now he realizes he doesn't even know his name. "I'm Gabriel," he says holding out his hand.

"I'm Sam," he says responding back, shaking his hand.

"Come in?" Gabriel ask eager to speak to someone. He bounces on his heels, smiling. Sam hesitates, he's tried but something in Gabriel makes him want to say yes, so he does. Gabriel waves him inside when he agrees. Sam notices a picture hanging on the wall. It's a picture of a face that's turned to the side and is close up to the eyes. The eyes are crying and with the crying it has made a river with a stone bridge covering it. Small trees scatter the area and its painted in light shades of blue. Gabriel sees him I looking but doesn't say anything. He made that picture when his father disappeared. It was suppose to be his mother and how ones life is a whole other world inside someone else's. Or what he thought his mother looked like, he never knew her, his father claimed he never had one. But from sex Ed Gabriel knows that's not true.

"It's beautifully done," Sam comments. "I see you paint all the time," he adds.

"Bit stalkerish but thanks for the compliment," Gabriel teases. Sam turns bright red.

"That's uhh, not what- err, I," Sam stammered. Gabriel laughs unwrapping a cherry lollipop and sticking it into his mouth.

"It's okay Sammy I see you sitting in that room of yours when you're home,"

"So you're a stalker as well," Sam says chuckling. Gabriel smiles widely as he looks at Sam. His hair is shoulder length and when he laugh he's-. No, Gabriel curses to himself, he can't think like that. Sam is straight, guys like him always are. "You okay?" Sam ask cautiously.

"Oh, yeah. Want anything to drink?" Gabriel says turning away to hide his growing blush.

"Um, nothing thank you but, can you show me some of you art?" He ask nervously, "I've kinda always wanted to see it. I don't seem like it but I really appreciate... art," he mutters.

"Oh!" Gabriel says surprised, nobody ever cares about his work. "Sure, follow me," he says waving him up the stairs. He's almost giddy but then nervous. Why does he care? So as he walks down to the end of the hall he stops. "This is it. My art room," he says preparing himself for Sam's laughter. Only he doesn't laugh, he gasps. Wall to wall is filled with painting after sketch after drawing. All unique in there own way. A large wooden easel sits in front of the window. A tarp lays askew across the floor. A small wooden table and tiny stool are cooped up in a corner. A thick layer of glitter cover the corner of one floor and paint is splattered and dripped on they bare space of the walls. Suddenly Sam walks to a small canvas painting of angel wings imprinted in the snow. He traces the wings with his fingers.

"It's wonderful," Sam says softly.

"You can have it," Gabriel responds, "I need more wall space anyway,"

"Are you sure?" Sam says but Gabriel already took the painting of the wall and handed it to Sam before he could finish. Sam smiles widely. "Thank you,"

"Not a problem Sam," Gabriel then hears his clock coo six times. He freezes, work, he's late to the bar. "No, no, no," Gabriel cries running out of the room.

"What is it," Sam says nervous.

"I'm late to my job at the bar," he says while brushing his teeth, "I don't have a car and my boss will flip if I'm late again," Gabriel then glances out the window. "Dammit it's snowing. I'm gonna have to take my bike," he says running to his room. He throws on new pants tripping and falling in his rush.

"I can drive you," Sam says carefully. Gabriel freezes.

"You can?" He says and Sam nods. "Your a lifesaver," He then grabs a phone and wallet. Sam walks out the door and starts his car waiting for Gabriel outside his house. Gabriel runs out soon after. He hops in Sam's black Charger.

"Which bar?"

"The one downtown called Anklet," Gabriel replies. Sam snorts and Gabriel turns his way. "What?"
"That bar is the worst in town," he says.

"Well I needed a job," Gabriel replies with a huff.

"So do you work there only at night and stay at home during the day," Sam ask curiously. Most likely trying to make small talk Gabriel thinks.

"Nah, I work at the diner downtown as well. I only work at the bar at night and on Saturdays I work at the bakery" he says.

"Wait at Noel's?"

"Yeah, why?"

"The shop is run by my girlfriends parents," Sam says and Gabriel's heart sinks. He has a girlfriend. Little did Gabriel know that the few simple words from earlier had already changed that.

So what do you think? I guess I'm asking what I think cause it's only me reading this, what a shame maybe soon someone will read. So was it good? When will Sam and Gabreils relationship develop full time, will it ever or will something happen before they can... Just joking! (Maybe) *insert twilight zone sounds* Okay well thanks for reading anyway and happy birthday Sam Winchester, (yeah that's was yesterday, may 2nd, IK) Okay well thanks for reading again, keep it up

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