Two Couples, One War

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Sam held Gabriel in the snow until there feet began to freeze and there noses were red. Without a thought Sam carries Gabriel back to the house, bridal style I may add. They both see Dean and Castiel. Castiels head is buried into Deans shoulder and Dean stokes his back. Sam smiles softly. He loves to see his brother like this. Caring, kind and not trying to protect Sam an finally protecting someone else. But the sweet moment is soon gone as another one of Gabriel's tricks gets put into play.

"Look out from below!" Gabriel shouts as he scales Sam's back. He sits on his shoulders and throws a snowball (God knows where it came from) at Dean an Castiel. Dean looks back and shoots a threatening look of 'it's on'.

"Oh no you didn't bitch," Dean says having Castiel scale his shoulders. Castiel chucks a snowball at Gabriel's face that he avoids. After that second snowball was thrown war was declared between the two couples. Gabriel on Sam's shoulders, Castiel on Deans as they chucked snowballs at each other. Sam and Gabriel had an advantage due to the mere height of Sam. However Sam is clunky on his feet while Dean moves swiftly around the yard. Everyone is childishly serious about winning. Snowballs are being made faster than the word can be pronounced. At one point Gabriel chucks a pine cone and is immediately scolded by his older brother.

"Gabriel you can't throw pine cones!" Castiel shouts tossing a snowball at Sam. Gabriel cackles evilly and grins like the devil.

"I'm sorry brother," he yells as he chucks another pine cone at Castiel. It hits him square in the head.

"Where are you getting those I'm not even passing them to you!" Sam shouts confused as he runs from a snowball.

"Hello trickster," Gabriel says pointing at his head an rolling his eyes.

"Sammy take care of your boyfriend," Dean yells. Sam is then the one rolling his eyes. They both keep throwing snowballs, (With the occasional pinecone) and it is soon apparent that neither side is going to win anytime soon however Gabriel sees a opportunity. He yells at Sam to go towards the enemy at full speed. Sam doesn't hesitate an barrels toward Castiel and Dean, a massive grin on his face. About a few meters before they ruin into one another Gabriel flings himself at the pair. He leaps over Sam's shoulders and is flying through the air at them.

"BOMBS AWAY!" Gabriel shouts as he lands on the couple. They all fall on the ground. Dean and Castiel groan while Gabriel laughs like a manic as he lies on top of them. Dean finally shoves Gabriel off them and then Gabriel an Sam high five.

"Good work Angel," Sam says laying a kiss on Gabriel's forehead.

"Can say the same to you Moose," Gabriel says then laying a kiss on Sam's forehead. Dean fake vomits before Castiel pulls him into a rather too passionate kiss for Sam's view. Gabriel pulls out a disposable camera and snaps a picture of the couple.

"Do you always have those?" Sam asks confused.

"Yep, I think it's because I'm a weirdo," Gabriel says shrugging then snapping a picture of Sam. Sam laughs as Gabriel snaps two or three more. He also the proceeds to take a unexpected group selfie with the group. Castiel and Dean are staring longingly into each other's eyes. Gabriel is smiling like a goof and Sam is getting the snow from his hair. Then next selfie however, everyone is ready. Deans arms are draped over Castiels an Gabriel's. Gabriel's arms are draped over Deans and Sam's. Everyone is smiling and looks so happy. Everything looks so peaceful.

"Okay who wants food? I'm not paying tho," Gabriel says pulling the camera down an sticking it into his pocket. Everyone nods happily an smiles.

"We are going to pickles diner," Dean announces and Castiel shakes his head eagerly. They then all pile into Sam's car against Deans protest due to how he wanted to drive baby. Sam sits in front seat. Gabriel is shotgun and Castiel an Dean ride in the back. The ride is fairly silent which apparently bothered Gabriel because he shouted...

"I can't take this silence!" He put on the radio. The first song that plays is 'Bumblegum Bitch'. Gabriel cheers an leaves it on. Dean groans and a slight mumble of protest is muttered by Castiel. Sam notices Deans hate for this song and begins to sing.

"I'll chew you up an I'll spit you out because that's what young love is all about," Gabriel and Sam sing half shout. Sam dances as he drives and both sing like crazy.

"I'm Ms. Sugar pink, liquor liquor lips," Sam and Gabriel shout. Castiel smiles and Dean pretends to be driven crazy but secretly knows the song due to it being on Dr. Sexy. After that song finishes another unknown song plays but then a song Gabriel gets extremely excited about plays. Yes, you guessed it... 'Heat of the Moment'. He shakes around happily in his seat an Sam's face gets sort of confused.

"It was the heat of the moment. Heat of the moment," Gabriel sings and Sam flinches an quickly changes the station.

"That song creeps me out," Sam shivers. Gabriel turns to him an laughs slightly. "What?" Sam says.

"Oh nothing but only if it was Tuesday," Gabriel says.

"Okay weirdo were here," Sam says a slight bit unsettled. They all get out of the car. Gabriel quickly pulls out a camera an snaps a picture of Sam. "Stop that," Sam says as he gets from the car. They walk inside both couples hold hands. They decide to sit at a booth an a very happy Jo barrels towards them.

"Oh wow so you really did have sex in the impala," she says bouncing up an down. Sam and Gabriel look confused while Dean an Castiel turn bright red.

"Okay thanks Jo for input," Dean says. Suddenly almost as if she has tunnel vision and it was now broken, she sees Sam.

"Oh wow Sam," she cries and he stands to hug her. "I haven't see you in forever,"

"Yeah it's good to see you Jo. How's Ellen I haven't seen her in a while either?' Sam asks.

"Oh she's good. I'll get her out here later to come see you but how's Jess?" She asks just now noticing Gabriel an Sam's hand holding.

"Actually not well. She got in a crash and now is in a forever coma," Sam says sort of sadly.

"I'm so sorry," she says patting just his back, "I know how much she meant to you but who's this then?" She asks sizing up Gabriel.

"I'm Gabriel," Gabriel says smiling and putting out his hand. She shakes and smiles back. "We're neighbors," he says and she nods slightly.

"Okay how sweet. So besides the reminiscing what can I get you?" She asks.

"Why don't we all share the frenchiest fry plater," Dean suggest an everyone nods. Then Gabriel quickly, an suddenly, snaps a photo of Castiel. He grins and shakes his head. However everyone didn't know how those photos would be worth so much to everyone in just a mere day.

Look who's a liar. Okay so I said 5-7 chapters more how about actually 1-2 maybe three more with an epilogue. The story just flowed this way and I'm sad to give this up. But I have a new solely Sabriel story that I swear is much better than this. It actually has conflict in the book and is not useless crap. So anyway this is my first fanfic. Mostly an experiment to test out stuff. Besides that how was it? Are you curious what will happen and why photos are so important. Well I'll just give you a hint.... Joking! Why would I do that? Okay well thanks for reading and keep going

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