Out to the Diner

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Dean listens thoughtfully on Castiels out put on life, he intervenes when he has something to say and he listens as Castiel answers or shares his own opinion. Suddenly a new waitress Ellen, comes with the food.

"Sorry about Jo, you know how she can be," Ellen says putting the plates down. Ellen is Jo's mother and they run the diner together, have done it since her husband left Jo an her.

"Not a problem," Deans says smiling.

"Not meaning to be a little push but, who's your friend?" She asks leaning on the table.

"Oh this is Cas," Dean says.

"My full name is Castiel," he intervenes.

"Okay, his name is Castiel, I'm fixing his car. He's from California,"

"Oh how sweet, well I best be going back to finish the orders," she says walking away. Dean looks at Castiel and shrugs before digging into his food. A dark coffee and eggs with bacon mixed in plus a sprinkle of cheese on the top.

"So...," Dean says, "I know very little about you, so why don't we play twenty questions?" He asks.

"What's that Dean?" Castiels asks tilting his head slightly and Dean can't help but think how adorable that is to him. So after Dean explains the simple game they begin, Dean asks the questions first.

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite food and drink?"

"Peanut butter and Jelly. I don't have a favorite drink," he answers eating his plain scrambled eggs. So as they go on with the questions, Dean and Castiel smile. They have lots of fun together and Dean finds himself easing into Castiels comfort zone. He learns that Castiel was fired from his job because he was bisexual. He also learns that Castiels parents left him and he moved out of the house at nineteen with his brother who was only sixteen. He also learns that he hasn't actually heard from his other two brothers since he was twenty. Dean finds it sad but relatable. He tells Castiel how his mother died when he was six and how there father just emotionally died without her.

Even with the food from the table long gone Dean and Castiel find it easy to still talk. They discuss there lives and dreams as a kid. Favorite music, which much to Deans surprise he finds out Castiel is big into rap.

"No," Dean says, "Rap can't be your favorite, have you ever heard the classics, AC\DC, Bon Jovi?"

"Heard of them, but never actually tuned into listen," Castiel says shrugging innocently.

"No, no, you are coming with me right now to my house so we can go listen to good music," Dean says getting up and slapping a twenty down to pay for the food. He grabs Castiel and practically drags him back to the impala. Both men get in and Dean turns on the radio to a station playing a song called, 'Simple man'. Dean nods his head to the song and smiles.

"I swear me and this artist are practically the same person," Dean says and Castiel reaches over and changes the station to a rap song. Dean turns to Castiel giving him a shocked face. He immediately switches the station back.

"Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cake hole," Dean says offended that rap was even heard for a second in his baby. Castiel grins. Dean hums along to the song and it finishes just as they pull into Deans driveway. They both get out and Dean leads Castiel inside. When they get inside Dean immediately heads for his cassette tapes. He grabs the box and sets it down. He sits on the couch and pats for Castiel to sit next to him, he does.

"Okay so this first song is a personal favorite of mine. It's by AC/DC, called 'T.N.T'," Dean says popping it into the cassette tap. He jams along to the song and watches as Castiels eyes turn to confusion.

"This song is very inappropriate Dean," Castiel comments as he soaks in the lyrics.

"Not that bad," Dean says dragging Castiel off the couch. He turns up the music and forces Castiel to dance. Dean rocks out an awesome air guitar solo and Castiel apparently is a pretty good dancer. By the need of the song both are singing and dancing. They fall onto the couch breathless.

"That was fun," Castiel says smiling, all giddy.

"Duh, now let's pop in another. How about more AC/DC," Dean says digging around inside the box before pulling out a tape, "Why not 'Thunderstruck'?" Dean says popping in the track. As soon as the song starts Dean bust into a wicked air guitar solo. Castiel does the drums and when the words start Dean can perfectly mouth along to them. They dance along to the song and laugh the whole time. Castiel grinning from ear to ear and Deans having the time of his life. I've never had this much fun before, he thinks to himself as he shouts the words thunderstruck with the song. Castiel even picks up a few lines and by the end he has perfected some air guitar parts. As the end fades out and they are left with the sound of only there breathing Dean finds it hard not to stare at Castiel. The way he has sex hair always. His crystal clear cry blue eyes. His slightly chiseled chin and his trench coat. God, Dean thinks, I really love that trench coats already.

Suddenly Castiel accidental trips and falls onto Dean as he was walking towards the couch. The force of this causes Dean to fall. This is a total chick flick moment, Dean thinks as Castiel face is inches from his. He looks into the mans perfect eyes. Suddenly he grabs Castiels face and shoves his lips into Castiels. They feel soft against each other. Dean runs his tongue along Castiels bottom lip and Castiel opens his mouth. Both tongues explore each other's mouth greedily. They only pull back for a quick breath. Castiel supports himself using his arms above Dean. His face is a small bit flushed. Dean smiles slightly, he looks cute all nervous like that.

"Ya know, that was my first guy kiss and boy was it better than any other kiss I've ever had," Dean says.

Yeah kiss kiss stuff!!! So how's it been? Schools almost over, well for me at least. SPN final premiers so soon I'm dying inside. Okay okay but besides the small talk, how's the chapter? Was it good? So now Sabriel and Destiel are a full go. So I guess as always Thanks for reading and keep going

Christmas Angel   {Destiel/Sabriel}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن