Snow Adventures

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     Sam didn't know how Gabriel could help but it didn't hurt to try, and besides, he was afraid of being alone. So as Sam watches the little man scurry around is messy house he sees him grab a pair of tennis shoes and slips them on. He grabs a puffy coat and sticks that on as well. He also grabs two disposable cameras.

     "Okay just follow me," he says standing in front of Sam.

     "Umm where are we going exactly?" He asks hesitantly.

     "Oh ya know... Last one there is a rotten egg," Gabriel cries suddenly running out the door and into the woods behind his house. Sam can hear his laughter and he chuckles to himself running out the door.

     "He is not going to win," he says aloud chasing the shorter man. The snow crunches under both of there feet. Luckily ice isn't to much of a problem. Finally Sam catches up to Gabriel keeping stride.

     "Hmm might want to tell me because I can't run you to the ground if I get lost," Sam says innocently. Gabriel laughs a knowing laugh.

     "True, true but then again that won't be a problem," he says grinning a devilish smile, "JUMP!" He yells leaping into the air onto a fallen tree effortlessly. However the much clumsier Sam runs into it but finally makes it over. He watches in amazement as the trickster glides up and over trees. Through the thick heavy brush, easily avoids every stick or root. How he leaps into the air and flies onto the ground like a cat. Sam tries to copy his movements but doesn't do to well. The snow makes the trees slippery. The roots unseeable. He trips and stumbles often but finally breaks through the brush to see a grinning Gabriel standing in a small clearing.

     "Not as easy to beat as I seem," he says stroking his chin, grinning.

     "Okay, okay," Sam says throwing his hands into the air, "You're like a spider monkey, you win," Suddenly Gabriel holds a camera and snaps a picture. "Hey!" Sam says.

     "Oh just documenting my win," he says throwing Sam a second camera.

     "I'll beat you some day, just you wait," Sam tells him. Gabriel makes the yeah right sound before walking to the center of the clearing.

     "I came to have you play in the snow," Gabriel announces grinning.

     "I haven't done that since I was nine," Sam says and Gabriel's face falls.

     "We don't have too," he says.

     "No, no I was just saying," Sam says not meaning to hurt the tricksters feelings.

     "Oh okay then let's get started," he says his face brightening. Sam hesitates but soon follows as Gabriel makes a snow angel. Sam falls into the snow next the Gabriel and makes his snow angel. The snow makes Sam shiver but both laugh and joke as the Angels are made. Finally when they are done they both get up and see who's is better. Sam's is tall, Gabriel's is short. They laugh at the height difference. Sam leads down to add some details top the wings and just as he does he get a ice cold snow ball throw at his back. He turns around to see Gabriel standing there innocently.

     "Whoops," he says shrugging his shoulders. Sam sends him a war cry and chucks a snow ball at Gabriel's chest. The trickster sends him a 'oh no you did not' look and runs off to prepare his battle station. Man, Sam thinks, this is fun. He then prepares his station. He makes about twenty snowballs and builds a small wall. Suddenly he gets about thirty snowballs throw at him. He's laughing as snowballs are repeatedly thrown at him. He tries to fight back but can't due to the fact that there is just so much snow. He falls on his back and let's Gabriel run out of ammo before attacking on his own. He throws about ten snowballs before Gabriel can make any more. But suddenly he gathers this massive Boulder of a snowball and comes running at Sam. Sam shrieks and runs away only to have Gabriel chase him laughing like a manic. Gabriel throws the Boulder at Sam and the sheer size of it knocks the giant down. He falls on his back and groans.

      "Ouch," he complains and Gabriel rushes forward leaning down.

      "Are you okay?" He asks leaning over Sam.

      "Uhh I thin-," Sam doesn't finish as he shoves a face full of snow at Gabriel face. He laughs and falls backwards. After that both men sit there laughing manically for a full minute. Gabriel climbs onto Sam and straddles him. He moves his eyebrows around and grins.

      "I deserved that," he says. Sam looks at Gabriel. The way the snow in his hair glints of the sun. How beautiful his eyes are. How stunning and golden brown his hair is. How nice his smile is and his personality. The way he moves, his strange obsession with candy, his tricks, everything. He props himself up and looks into his eyes. Gabriel also falls silent and all you can hear is the steady breathing of them both. The light pitter of the snow on leaves. Unexpectedly Sam pulls Gabriel's lips to his. Gabriel tenses at first but soon relaxes into Sam's arms. There lips move insigne and both tongues fight for dominance in each other's mouths. Neither win but soon they pull back breathing hard. They rest there foreheads on each other's.

      "Please don't run away again," Gabriel says softly, he holds onto Sam a small bit tighter.

      "I'm never leaving you, I promise," Sam says into his ear pulling him close. "I'll never run away, not again, because secretly when I did all I could think about was you," He pulls back and grabs the camera that Gabriel gave him. He snaps a picture of Gabriel and smiles. "I'll never leave my Christmas Angel,"

Kind of short but how is it? This is not the end! I repeat this is not the end of the story! So we finally accepted Sabriel. Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was really tried, like the move limbs as little as possible and die tried. So hope it was good. Anyone exited for the season finale of SPN I know I am.
Well let's talk about  it, I need to talk about SPN. So as alway thanks for reading and keep going.

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