Whats going on?

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Dean wakes up next to Castiel. Both men's arms entangled in one another's. Castiels head is nuzzled into Deans neck. Their legs are smooshed together. The blanket thrown to the side. However Dean does not jerk away or even move. He actually leans into Castiel more. He's warm and soft. So Dean doesn't mind comfy in up to him until he remembers the phrase, no homo. Then he slowly untangles himself out of Castiels arms as much as it pains him. He dosent want to leave or leave Castiel wondering so he writes a note.

Hey Cas, Had to go. Have to see a lady named Lisa and a kid named Ben. Let's talk again soon -Dean

Once Dean is satisfied by the note he slips out Castiels front door leaving Castiel sleeping alone on the mattress. Once gone he goes back to his house. Deans house is small, only one floor. It's pretty dark inside, the shades pulled almost always. Lots of papers throw askew. A plaid couch lays in front of a small coffee table stained and chipped. The kitchen has a old oven and little counter space. Also a fairly new fridge filled with fast food and beer. Dean tromps his way over to his bedroom to change clothes. His bedroom has a single bed with bright orange sheets. Dean hates the sheets but he doesn't have any will to change them. His closet has his dad's old leather jacket and lots of plaid. Also a favorable red jean jacket with brown buttons that he likes to wear with a black shirt. He decides that the jacket is a good choice for visiting Lisa. He almost hops into the shower but he gets and unexpected phone call. He groans and grabs it.

"Hello?" He says concerned a small bit because the ID ran as the police.

"Is this Dean Winchester?" A lady asks a tiny bit of sadness hinting in her voice.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"We found your contact in a child named Bens phone. What is your relationship to him?" She asks. A ball grows in Deans stomach.

"I'm practically his father but not biological," he says quietly unsure if that was a good answer.

"Okay well we will need you to come to Greenfield hospital. Ben has been in an accident and lost all of his memories," Dean freezes, Ben lost his memories? Was Lisa their? He stays silent even if all of those questions ring through his head. "Excuse me sir are you still there? We need you at the hospital to fill in some things is that a possibility?" She asks. He nods before realizing she can't see her.

"Yes," is all he says as he hangs up. He doesn't bothering getting changed from his bloody and oily clothing. He runs out the door and hops into baby. Thoughts circle his head in millions. But the most prominent one was what was he going to do? I can't decide that until I can cross that bridge he thinks speeding down the roads towards Ben. He loves Ben and he can't stand the thought of him gone. He thinks of Ben as his own child. Even if he doesn't want Ben to biologically be his he would never want him hurt. He loves him.

Finally he reaches the hospital. He stumbles out of his car and practically runs inside.

"Where is Ben?" He says hurriedly. The lady looks at him and looks back down.

"What's your relation?" She asks.

"I'm Dean Winchester," he says as if that will help but surprisingly, it does. He looks at her and her face looks just heart broken.

"I'll take you," she says getting up, "They are both okay but-" Dean cuts her off.

"Both?" He chokes out. She turns to him sadly.

"Yes there was a women with him. We assume it is his mother due to there likeness in looks. The police called you in for more information," she says pulling back the curtain. Then Deans heart shatters as he sees them both. It's not that they are in critical condition because they aren't. It's the emptiness in Bens eyes that he sometimes sees in Lisa when she forgets. The absolute emptiness, no emotion, nothing. They are just eyes looking around. Neither one having any thought inside them and it's breaks him. Dean wants to run out screaming or cry but he can't because he has to stay strong for Ben.

Christmas Angel   {Destiel/Sabriel}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant