10 Day Fandom Challenge

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1. Current Book- Trials of Apollo: The Hidden Oracle
2. Favorite Character- Annabeth cause she's a boss
3. Least Favorite Character- Octavian is not my favorite person, but you already know that
4. Favorite OTP- Brason! I'm kidding, it's Percabeth!
5. Favorite Friendship- Percy, Frank, and Hazel or Hazel and Leo
6. Favorite Quote- "With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later."- Nico
7. Least Favorite Couple- Can I choose a non-cannon ship? But probably Caleo. Calypso's nice and all but, you know...
8. Favorite Female- Rhea, cause even though she's a Titan, she's pretty groovy
9. Favorite Male- It would be easier to ask my least favorite male but I would have to say either Percy or Leo
10. Favorite Fandom- Obviously Percy Jackson...

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