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What would you do if Wattpad didn't exist?
That depends, would I have never known about Wattpad or would I know what it was and not have it? But either way I'd just stick to real books, not that I don't think the books on Wattpad aren't real books! But real as in books from the bookshelf.

How's life?
Life SUCKS! No I'm joking, life is surprisingly pretty good, besides the fact that I have like 3 more weeks of school and I sit next to an annoying kid in band, I'm great. What about you kaykat246?

How old are you?
Don't worry, you don't sound like a stalker Seawaternymph, but I'm not really comfortable giving my age where lots of people can see but I'm older than 10 and younger than 17. So take your guess but I probably won't tell you either way. Sorry!

What is your favorite color?
Wow, basic much? Sorry for that attitude there. But purple is the best color. So either purple, blue, silver, gold, black, or orange. But definitely purple.

Do you have any crushes?
Besides fictional characters? Nope, not as of this moment.

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