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The orange dress I will talk about is in the media.
You and Leo were in the mall because you made him go shopping with you. You were looking at clothes when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked up and Leo was holding an orange dress. You took it and walked to the dressing room closing the door in Leo's face. "Oh man." You heard him say and you chuckled. You looked in the mirror admiring the dress. You walked out to show Leo and his jaw hit the floor. You closed his mouth for him. "I guess I buying this?" You asked and he nodded.
You and Leo were walking out the mall as you carried the bag. "Leo, sometime I think your gay." You told him smiling. He looked absolutely mortified. "What?! Why?!" He choked. "Because you always know the best clothes for me to buy." You told him. "What about Nico? He doesn't do that." Leo reminded you. "Tsk tsk tsk. Nico has his gay side, he just doesn't let it show. But he has his moments." You told Leo. "Alright, but we are coming back to this conversation later."

Leo x Reader Imagines and Short Love Story's Where stories live. Discover now