Corrections Part 2

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Nico shadow traveled you both back to camp and you waved as you went to talk to Leo. You couldn't find him so you sat at the beach and watched the waves. Later on, a pair of warm hands covered your face. "Guess who?" Leo asked. "Um, Percy?" You teasingly said. "No, it's your boyfriend that's incredibly sorry." He said sitting next to you. "Well you should tell him that he's incredibly forgiven." You said and Leo hugged you. "And I'm sorry too, for correcting you." You said. "It wasn't about you correcting me." He admitted. You gave him a puzzled look. "It's just, you, Jason, and Percy. You were right and you three are just so perfect, being so noble and heroic all the time. But you also make it hard to stay mad at you." You smiled at Leo words. "I assure you, I am not perfect. I slapped Will the other day." Leo looked at you in shock. "You what?!" He asked. "I slapped Will. We're cool now, I can't have the best healer in camp mad at me." You said and he smiled. "I love you Leo." You said putting your head in his shoulder. "I love you too."
Even though Leo has said this to you countless times before, those three words mean the world to you. 'I love you.'

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