Your Laugh

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   You, Leo, Piper, and Jason were all hanging out in bunker 9. "Ok, so there were to whales and one whale says EEEEEUUUUUAAAAA. And the other whale says 'Go home Steve you're drunk." You laughed at Jason's jokes not knowing that Leo wanted to be the one to make you laugh. Finally he couldn't take it anymore. Leo grabbed your arm and pulled you into a separate room and pinned you against the wall. "You have to stop." Leo demanded. "Stop what?" You asked raising one eyebrow. "You have to stop laughing." He insisted. "And why is that?" You questioned. "Because you're really turning me on right now." You just stared at your best friend looking for any evidence that he was joking. "Y-you're s-serious?" You asked and he nodded. "I-I-I-" you were interrupted by a pair of warm lips on yours.

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