Leo x Baby!Reader

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The goat-man held you on his waist after talking to your mom. "Don't forget to bring her back." The goat-man put a hand on her shoulder. "She shouldn't have to go this young but being a daughter of Zeus and all..." He trailed off. "I'm just glad I didn't miss her first word, I guess I can live with not see her first steps." He walked up a hill and you looked around, sucking on your thumb. He knocked on a door as you squirmed. "Hey Leo. This is (Y/N). Can you take her because I don't really like kids." Leo took you from the goat-man. "Hey there kiddo, I'll show you around." He pointed out random buildings. "That's the Aphrodite cabin." He pointed to a pink palace. Suddenly, a bunch of girls looked at you and started making weird noises. You broke free from Leo's grip and set off in a fast toddle. Luckily all the girls were wearing heals so they were moving slower than you. You toddled into a cabin that looked safe. There were lots of kids
reading and writing. They all looked at you as you sat down. "I'm twee years old!" You smiled holding up 5 fingers. "Umm, no." A girl with blonde hair and gray eyes sat next to you. "That's five. This is three." She put two fingers down. "Ohhhhh." She smiled. "I'm (Y/N), do you want to be my friend?" You asked. "I'm Annabeth and sure I'll be your friend." The door opened and the girls from earlier came in. Annabeth picked you up and ran out. "Percy, open the door!" She darted into a cabin, put you on a bed, and slammed the door. Leo hoped in through the window and sighed when he saw you. "I'm twee years old!" You said holding up (only) 3 fingers.

Leo x Reader Imagines and Short Love Story's Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum