Donuts in Shackles and Muffins in Riff Raff

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    (This song isn't relevant but I like it so I added it. And thank you Percabeth_Obsession for commenting [again])

         (It's around 2:30am) You were sleeping like normal. You were in your messy room with the sea blue walls and wearing your red shirt with Hermes' staff (shoutout to Martha and George) and your black pajama pants with white music notes. You felt a pair of arms try to shake you awake. "No not now, just put the donuts in the shackles." You mumbled in your sleep and heard a deep chuckle. That chuckle didn't belong to your brother and definitely not your mom. You reached up groping the face not wanting to open your eyes. You felt a nose, you then felt hair that fell in soft curls, and you hands moved to the ears that made you think of an elf. Nope you didn't remember feeling this face before. You opened your eyes and in the dim light from the moon you saw a Latino boy with black hair, pointy ears, and a mischievous smile on his face. Your eyes widened at a stranger in your room and his smile faded when realized that you were going to scream. He clamped his hands over your mouth looking to the door as if he expected a fury to bust down the door. Whoa, where did that greek mythology reference come from? You thought. You licked his hand and he promptly removed them from your face. "Ewwwwww" he whispered wiping the spit off on his pants. "That was gross but I still have to rescue you. I'm Leo by the way." He said. "Y/n, but you have you help me write my family a note. And your hand tastes like marshmallows." You told his shocked face.
Dear Mom and (insert brothers name),
This is going to sound strange so I will explain the best I can. Do you know the term demigod? If not stop reading and Google it right now. Done? Okay, so I am a demigod, thanks for telling me mom, and I have to go to the only safe place for my kind. Don't worry, I believe that I'm good hands. Chiron is here! I think he trained Jason! But I will visit and contact you when I can but it'll be hard because we can't use technology. And (insert brothers name), you might be a demigod too, it's unlikely that you would have a different godly parent than me but it's still possible. Don't worry (insert brothers name), if you are a demigod than your time will come and I can swear that upon the river Styx. And who knows, you could end up on a quest better than Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece! I love you both so much and never want you to forget that because this is for the best I promise you that much.
Love and cherish forever,
      You wiped away tears before they fell on the letter. You turned back to Leo, shouldering your bag. You noticed that he was staring at you. When he saw that you saw him he turned away and blushed. You had made it about 8 city blocks when you heard a growling noise behind you. You made the big mistake of turning around and a huge dog-hellhound pounced on you. You cried out in pain as one of the hellhounds claws dug into your shoulder. You saw Leo stab the monster and black spots danced before your eyes. Leo picked you up bridal style. "I won't die yet, I've never even seen a centaur before." Leo laughed at your joke as you lost consciousness.
     Leo's P.OV.
   I made it to camp with y/n in my arms and Jason ran up to me. "Who's that?" He asked. "She's someone who needs medical attention!" I shouted and we ran to the infirmary. "Oh and her name is y/n"
     Your P.O.V.
     You woke up and heard voices but you were still half sleep. "Ok, just leave the muffins in the riff raff." You mumbled and shot up when you heard laughter. You saw Leo, a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, and a girl with choppy brown hair and kaleidoscope like eyes. You remembered the earlier events and ran to Leo and hugged him tightly. "You saved my life." You said clinging on as if he would disappear. "I can't tell you how grateful I am right now." You said. "How can I ever repay you?" You asked looking into his brown eyes as he looked into you e/c ones. "No worries, all in a day of being super sized Mcshizzle." You smiled and turned to the other people in the room. "Hi I'm y/n. And I might just have to steal Leo from you." You said putting out your hand to shake. "I'm Piper." The girl said with a cheerful smile. "And I'm Jason." The boy said. "Oh my gods, you guys make such a cute couple!" I squealed as they blushed.

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