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This is for @JeanHarper
I was walking with my sister Piper while carrying my bow. We were talking when I tripped. My 5'5 frame landed on my bow and my red hair outlined my alarmed face. "Oh gods, are you alright?" Piper asked helping me up. "Yeah I'm fine, but my bow isn't." I said showing her the damage. "Oh, well you could ask Leo to fix it." She suggested smirking as I blushed. "What, is there a problem with that Aria?" She asked and I shook my head. "We'll get to it then he's in Bunker 9." She ran off leaving me confused and flustered.

I knocked on the door to Bunker 9 and waited for someone to answer. Leo opened the door and I smiled. "Hi Leo, I was wondering if you could help me fix my bow." I asked showing him the bow. "Sure, come on in." I blushed and talked to him as he fixed the bow. He finished but we kept talking. Finally he started to get a little nervous. "It's alright, just tell me." I said throwing a little charm speak into my voice. "Well I really like you and wanted to know if you'd go out with me." He admitted. "Really?!" I asked smiling. "Yeah." He said. "I like you too and I'd love to go out with you.

Leo x Reader Imagines and Short Love Story's Where stories live. Discover now