My Dad - The Closet Phan

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Me: *talking about Dan and Phil*

Dad: "how long have they been together?"

Me: "what"

Dad: "there dating right?"

Me: "that's more of an opinion then a fact"

Dad: "well, don't they live together?"

Me: "yeah"

Dad: "and they haven't had girlfriends in a while?"

Me: "yeah..."

Dad: "I'm just saying"

Me: "uh"


Dad: "Selena stop talking about dan and phil"

Me: "dad you don't understand-"

Dad: "you don't under-Dan how I Phil (feel) about this!"


Me: "I can't wait to see Dan and Phil! It's gonna be really great!"

Dad: "you mean it's gonna be really gay"

Me: "Well yeah but"


Dad: "dan may not be on fire but he is flaming am I right ha"

Me: "no"

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