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'You have 20 missed calles and 30 texts messages'

I wish Andrew would stop trying to talk to me and i hate that he is in all of my classes that means i wont be able to get away from him maybe will be able to change some of my classes to at least get away from him maybe i should stop seeing guys that go to any of my schools because so far all of them have cheated on me today Ruiz drove me to school and today was Roses first day and she dose fit the hoe looh i hope she gets introuble for what she is wearing but im sure she will try to get her way out of it by using some excuse and how the hello did she get enrolled so fast its not like she is gonna stay here the whole friggin year Andrew kept staring at me and i flipped him off because she kept staring at me and even though i still did that he obviously didnt get the message but he probly hasnt came up to me because Ruiz he popped out of no where at the party and he can pop out of no where here to Rose came up to me today

"Hey umm im sorry that i kissed your boyfriend but you just are like totally over now right?"

"Umm like totally"

"OMG your so like mature that you actually have to mock me"

"Ummm like ya pretty much"


Briana came over and she just made Rose mad think because she wasnt even really envolved

"Ya so like you can totally move on now"

"What did you just say to me mitch?"

"I said you can move on now"

"You better watch it mitch you dont know who the hello your talking to"

I had to step in the the chick had balls ill admit it but no one fs with the bestie

'Ya well your talking to me now mitch"


"Ya your make up might kind of hides the black eye but it dosent that much it just looked like you put smokey eye on only one eye"

"I got to go now"


Ugh i hate that mitch wait minute whats Ruiz doing here during my lunch time

"Hey Steph"

"Hey what are you doing here?"

'I came to see you but f you dont want to see me its okay"

He acted like it hurt him when he said that and i couldnt help but laugh he was such a dork and always knew how to lighten up the mood no matter what it was

"Your such a faker nothing even really dose hurt your feelings you just shrug it off"

"So somethng do still hurt'

'Oh whatever"

We all walked out to the feild i wasnt hungry today felt like i was going to be sick insteaded i actually just wanted to go home i couldnt look at Andrew anymore just knowing that he let Rose be all over him and i though that he cared about me thats what hurt the most out of it all because i knew that Aidan was a player from the start but i thought that Andrew was diffrent but i so got proved wrong y that ireally need to start watching who i date or who i get with because im just gonna end up getting hurt even more worse and what the bad thing about it is that what if i start to get use to it like having guys cheat on me that would be just sad i think because no girl should be use to that

"Hello earth so Stephanie"


"Haha you should have seen your face haha man why ddnt ii take a picture of you"

"HA-HA very funny Ruiz"

"I cant cant help it"

"Oh shut up"


"So what are the plans for this weekend?"

"Dont we have a race coming up this weekend"

"Ya you have to be tyhere you owe us big time"

"I know i know"


What would happen if Andrew showed up at the track what is Rose dose somethig to my car god you cant trust no one in high school you only really have your back because someone can turn on you at any minute any day and thats what sucks its not like pre-k where all the little kids get along no its like every man for them selves


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