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I was looking out the wiindow waiting for the car ride to be opver so i can just get to the hospital alredy because i really dont want to go because they have needles and i dont really like needles at all like when i get my shots i give the lades a hard time and then when they finally get the needle in me i start to laugh i was just happy that Andrew was here with me so i dodnt have to go in there alone i left my backpack in my locker so i couldnt listen to music because my headphone are in the small pocket of my backpack.

"Are we almost there yet so we can get this over with already because i really dont like hospitals"

I know that sounded pretty mean but i didnt want it sound like that im just really tired

"Almost i promise"

Im glad that im with andrew because if this was Aidan this would probly be horrible he would have probly just left me there on the ground at school and would have make me wait for my cousin to come and get me off the floor and have him take me to the hospital i never really do think that Aidan cared about me because he would make me do everything on my own he even closed as door on my face one time and he would always laugh when i got hurt he never checked if i was ok plus he was abusive but i dont want to get into deatails with that


I was on a hospital bed i dont even know how i got there but i woke up with a bunch of nurses and doctors by me and i was set up to that machine that checks how your heart is beating i just wanted to know where my boyfriend was is he ok what happened i just remembered being in the car


HECK NO THIS GUY DID NOT JUST PUSH MY GIRLFRIEND!!! i wanted to beat him so bad that he would be in the hospital for moths it wouldnt be the first time i put a guy in the hospital but i just want to know if Stephanie is ok


I went to see if she was ok her head was bleeding from the fall i started to walk her towards my car she didnt say anything the whole way she only fell one but that is because she thought that she could walk but when she was blood she screamed.

"Its ok Stephanie your fine"

We kept walkign to my car and when she saw it she looked at it lke it was the coolest thing on earth

" Im gonna take you to the hospital ok???"


I felt bad that i let this happen to her she started humming along to Savior by Rise Against i thought it was cute so i just laughed i had to keep her awake she could have a concussion she started to fall asleep so i snapped my fingers in her face i know that she could have broken them but i would risk it for her.

"Are we almost there yet so we can get this over with already because i really dont like hospitals"

"Almost i promise"

I wanted to get her out of this pain i didnt want her to be like this so i hurried to the hospital and as soon as we got there stephanie knocked out right there i had to carry her inside i was running with her in my arms she was so small in my arms she looked so helpless i had to get to the E.R fast i ran up to the lady and said that Stephanie needs help fast as soon as she saw her in my arms she called someone for help and a bunch of people came with a hospital bed and took her from me i dodnt want to let her go but i had to so she can be ok i just sat there waiting for them to tell me when she woke up i waited there for twenty minutes when i saw a doctor finally come in

"She is awake and she wants to see you she is fine she just needs some rest and some Advil because she will get head aches but besidea that she will be fine to go in a couple of hours."

I walked towards her room and saw her on the hospital bed she looked so fragile like if you touch her she would break as soon as i walked in she was smiling at me i was so happy to see her smiling she didnt look like she was in pain anymore

"Hey how you feeling???"

"Better than i did when i fell but ive been through worse how are you are you ok???"

"Ya im fine im not the one that got hurt though"

"How did i get in this bed anyways???"

"You passed out as soon as we got here so i had to run you over to the E.R in my arms and as soon as we got here they took you away on that hospital bed you are in now"


"Can you call my mom for me and tell her that im in the hospital but ill be ok and ill be home asleep and Adam is still at school"

"Of course"

I walked away to call her mom on her phone it had a DOMO sticker on the back it was actually a pretty cool phone i found the name Woman maybe that is her mom because she sure looks like her


"Ummm hi im Andrew Stephanie got hurt at school today and i brought her here to the hospital and they said that she should be fine she just needs some rest and Adam is still at school."

"What happened to her???"

"She fell and hit her head really bad"

"Ok well tell her that ill try to get home early"

"Ok i will bye Miss.Keller"

"Bye Andrew"

I walked over to see that Stephanie was asleep she looked so peacefull i put my number in her phone so she can text me when she wakes up i left her a note on her fone that said

'Text me when you wake up ill be outside'

I walked out side and went to text Adam i had Adams number because we gotr along great at luch so i just let him know whats up about his cousin

'Hey man im with Stephanie at the hospital she fell and hit her head and can you tell me more about that Aidan guy???'


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