She left her word hanging seeing that he seems to be taking a couple more deep breath as she continue her story.

"Are you alright?" she asked, worried now.

He touched her cheeks, "Yes, I'm fine. Will you continue with your story?"

"Are you sure?"

A simple nod was his answer.

"He tried to invite me for dinner, that's all", she said while not looking at his eye but instead she was touching the fabric of his shirt busily smoothing its ruffled state as she has constantly been envelope in his embrace.

"He. Invited. You. For. Dinner." he said, emphasizing each word. His breathing become alarmingly calm, that she has to look up and met his gaze.

Pain was visible in his eyes. Jealousy must be eating him but he still managed to ask her, "What did you tell him then?"

"I told him I'm busy", she said in a matter-of-fact way.

He sighed. Then she continues, "Well, it's the truth. I'm really busy and..."

Alden raises an eyebrow, waiting for her next word.

She repositioned herself to sit on his lap and encircle her hands on his nape before continuing, "And...I only have time for my fiancé, who was busy being a gentleman so us not be charge as a jealous man", she said while brushing with her hands the hair on his nape.

Alden gives a peck on her lips. "Don't test me too much...I'll surely explode if I see you be with another man like that"

Maine pout, "Well, what if there is more of that in the future?" she lay her hand on his shoulder, massaging it a little, "I'm an actress...and Yes, I'm a singer and host, but it's not just all I want to do...Acting is more of the field I want to be..."

"Then, I'll let you be...It's what you love to do. I won't get in the way. Just promise me one thing"


"If there will be more in the future..."he stares at her ebony eyes with full of conviction, "You'll think of me, whenever you do that with other guy"

She smile and whispered in his ear, "I'm already doing that"

Alden's eye grew big in surprise which make Maine laugh at his expression.

"Hey! How do you think I manage to make the scene good?" she grin, "All I have to do is think of you and that's how I made it thru the scene"

A bright smile form on his lips, the smile she so much love.

"I'm glad you told me, that makes it a little bearable...but not just that"...

Maine gives him a questioning looked, "What else?"

He grins mischievously this time which makes Maine's heart do a summersault. Now, that makes her curious on what he was about to say next.

Instead of saying it out loud, Alden hugs her closer and whispered in her ears.

"You'll have to re-enact the entire scene on your drama...but this time only me as your leading man"

Maine's faced turn completely red upon realizing what he said. She lightly slapped his chest.

"Aha! Naughty, RJ!"

A roar of laughter was heard through out the entire living room making Maine more embarrassed at the thought that Ate Yan and their friends might have heard them.

She encloses her head on Alden's neck, hiding from embarrassment.

"Hey, that's a promise right?" Alden teases her more.

She did not say a word. Just imagining the scenes she did on the drama a couple of hours ago with Alden as her leading man, she felt her entire body has awakened on something less wholesome. She thought....Any scene with him would be lovely

Alden laughed more as she continues to not answer him. Instead she just snuggled into his arms which she loves to do, whenever they are together and he has no protest at all.

"Eherm! Love birds, dinner is serve", Marian said upon seeing his brother and Maine together in the sofa.

Maine quickly stands up and shyly bows on Marian, her face has been blushing all this time.

Alden just holds Maine's hand and smile at his noona then looked at his fiancée.

"Let's have dinner"

Maine smile and nodded.

As the two went to the dining room, Marian can't help but smile seeing that everything was just as the way it was.

[End of Flashback]

_ _ _ 

A/N: Thank you for reading! ^_^

P.S. I decided to post this earlier than celebration of Alden's return to the Phils, yehey! .. Plus the SepAnx for Bibi Girl is very much felt. I miss her *pout*

Enjoy reading! Please do comment if you like.  *grin*

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