Picture Perfect

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"Colby! This is so beautiful!" Bee says before she covers her mouth with her hands and I see her eyes water up.

I smile and walk over to her.

I wrap my arms around her small frame, and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you so much!" She says in my ear.

"This is for you baby," I say pulling from the hug and winking at her.

I walk over to the table and pull out her chair.

She sits down, with the brightest smile..

I easily push her chair in, then I sit down myself.

"You look beautiful." I tell her with my cheesy smile. And I meant it.

"Babe..." She says touching her palm to her heart, her eyes only watering more.

I grab the brownie pan and the two forks next to it and we just began eating it.

It was actually really good.

"Mmm." Bee says closing her eyes for effect.

"This is amazing babe!" She said as she plunged her fork in for more.

"So what is the special occasion?" She asks with her adorable giggle.

"Bee. I want you to know, that as your husband, I will not slack off in making our marriage romantic and full of love. I would never allow us to become bored or used to the married life... I will make every single day an adventure. And we will fall more and more in love with eachother, everyday. And no matter what, I will look at you and think " if I didn't have her, I wouldn't be here." Becouse it's true. I'm in love with you Bee. I swear to God."

Prophesying my love, caused tears to fall down my cheeks.

Her cheeks were wet with tears as well, and she sniffles as she fiddled with her engagement ring.

"Colby, I'm so in love with you." She tells me as she dives into my arms, and straddled my lap.

"I will love you till the end of time." She says as she sobs onto my shoulder, and I wrap my arms tightly around her warm body.

I kiss her plump lips, and let mine hover for a few extra seconds.

"I can't wait for our wedding night." She says nibbling her bottom lip nervously.

"Me either." I say gulping.


Love you all!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!

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