After Midnight

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I woke up suddenly. It was really cold. But what woke me up was the train stopping. It was still dark out and Colby was still asleep.

But I know we need to get off the train now, becouse this is illegal and if we get caught we will be sent back to Kansas or even worse... put in jail.

I shook Colby softly.

"Wake up Colby!" I whisper shout.

My fear beginning to grow and my adrenaline was pumping.

He groaned and tried to pull me down to cuddle him.

"Colby! Please!" I shook him harder but this time he pulled me down and wrapped me into his arms.

"Colby the train stopped... We need to go!" I was struggling to escape his hold on me.


"Just one more..." His eyes finally opened wide and he sat up.

"The train stopped!" He tells me as if I didn't already know.

"Obviously! Now we need to get off!"

We immediately packed up our things and jumped off the side if the train.

We were parked in a rest stop. And there a few other trains as well.

"Where do we go?" I ask with fear evident in my voice.

"This way?" Colby grabs my hand and we start running towards an abundance of city lights.

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