The Dress

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Katie and I walked into the little wedding boutique.

I walked over to a rack of white dresses and began looking through them.

"Oh my gosh, bee look at this!" Katie says laughing.

When I look over wedding lingerie was in Katie's hand.

My cheeks burned bright red.

It was a sequenced skimpy black bra type thing that connected, with black lace, to another peice of underwear

"Put that shit away Katie!" I say mortified.

"Aren't you excited?" Katie says as she continued to hold the peice of "clothing".

"excited to marry the love of my life, why yes I am!" I say sarcastically, obviously ignoring her obvious question.

"I mean.. I'm kind of nervous." I say walking over to another dress rack.

"Well, I'm sure it will be amazing... I mean my first time was with Sam and..."

"No Way!" I say shocked "you never told me that you had sex with Sam!" I whisper loudly

"I'm sorry bee.. I just didn't know how to tell you that I lost my virginity in yours and colbys bed.."

My eyes widened and I slapped her arm harshly, my mouth gapped open.

"I'm kidding! It was in your bathroom..." I slap her again.

"You lost your virginity in a bathroom!" I say. More angry at Sam for not making it something special.

"It was Sam's first too."

I roll my eyes. "You couldn't have AT LEAST used the guest room?!" I ask loudly

"It was special, if that's why your all angry." She says shyly

I smile a little. "I knew there was something different with the two of you."

"Really?" Katie perks up.

"Yeah." I say looking into her bright green eyes.

"So when was this?" I ask quietly.

"Your gonna be mad." She says with a nervous chuckle."

I roll my eyes and gasp, "tell me!"

"Okay, okay... It was last month. After the movie night."

I nervously giggle. "I knew it!" I say recalling the 30 minute ice cream break Sam and Katie had that night...

Katie looks a little passed me and opens her mouth wide, "you have to try that dress on now!" She says pointing to what had to have been the most perfect dress ever.

I was quick to grab it and make my way into the dressing room.

After about ten minutes of changing I walk out, in the most beautiful, comfortable and flattering dress.

"I love it!" I say as I look at the price tag.

My mouth dropped in disappointment.

"It's $1,500!!" I say in shock.

I walked back into the dressing room and changed sadly.

When I walked out I went to put the dress back but Katie stopped me.

"I paid." She said with a sweet smile."you can have the dress!"

I squealed and hugged her.

"You shouldn't have done that Katie..." I say feeling vulnerable.

"Consider it your wedding gift. And a thank you, for all you do for me."

I smiled and hugged Katie again.

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