New Scars

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"Bee, you need to do the dishes I'm sick of looking at that shit." My mom tells me as she blows a puff of smoke out of her mouth.

"Why don't you... I have homework." I began to get agitated, and the smell of her cigars and liquor are not helping anyone's case.

"I'm busy... And your young." She waves her hand that was holding the cigar in it, this causing a few ashes to sprinkle down onto the floor I just swept and mopped.

I slammed my pencil down on my math book.

Standing up and stomping to the sink, I turn on the water and wait for it to get warm.

"Thanks sweetie." I felt tears sting at my eyes.

"He's not coming over today right." I say more matter of fact, then as a question.

"Listen..." She begins, her raspy voice hung in the air. We both knew he was coming over. We both knew what for.

"Your such a fucking slut, mom." I say more to myself than to her... But of course she heard me.

"You listen to me Missy..." She stands up and slumps over to me, already drunk of her ass. What's new though? She always fucking was.

She stands right in front of me and waves her cigar in my face as she speaks in a slur, "at least I can get a boyfriend... What about you? You haven't had one all your highschool career." She looked at me up and down and started laughing monstrously.

"Hell, I was already knocked up with you l, when I was your age!"

Furious and hurt I grab a glass bowl and throw it onto the floor, causing it to shatter into a million pieces.

"He isn't a boyfriend, he's a fuck buddy, and at least I have self respect, you fucking whore!" By now I had hot, angry tears pouring off my cheeks.

I looked into her glassy eyes.

"I wish I wasn't your daughter." I say with full meaning.

My moms emotion immediately changed to a furious glare, as her hand latched mine, she pulled the cigar from her mouth and pressed it onto my skin.

Blistering pain spiked my arm and I helped in pain.

A few minutes after, she finally pulled it off, and walked to get room unphased.

I was left laying in all the glass shards, with a burn that ached and throbbed.

Standing up, I run to my room.

There I began planning my escape.

I needed to leave forever. And running away was the only option.


If your in America, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! I loved it, I'm full of turkey and pumpkin pie!

Hope you enjoy this! Maybe leave a vote and comment please??


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