Coffins And Flowers

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" these two were loving parents, and spouses... They lived a life of love, happiness, and wealth. But with their wealth came plenty of wisdom." The preachers words stung in my ears, becouse I knew who he was talking about, and the two coffins were filled with parents. Colby's parents.

I look over at him, his face red and his eyes blood shot with tears. They aren't as blue as they were before... They lost their shine and happiness, but what I noticed most, is that they lost their inviting glow.

I feel a tear pour out of my eye.

Amanda was off... Away from Colby. They haven't talked since Colby ended things.

All I know is I need to be there for him.

I look at chase who was sat next to me, and his girlfriend on the other side. Her name is Natalie, and yes she is the waitress from the diner.

Me and chase have been surprisingly perfect, were truly best friends. I've even made friends with Nat. She is seriously amazing, and I'm glad chase found her.

The service ends shortly after and I let chase know I was going to Colby.

I approached him with a warm smile.

His eyes lit up for a second, then returned to two blue pools of sadness.

I pulled him in for a hug, as he cried on my shoulder.

Sam gave me a quick, but sincere smile, then left us alone.

"I love you." I whispered into colby's ear.

He shot his head up and looked me in the eyes.

The intensity of the stare cause my to grow nervous.

I relaxed once colbys lips landed on mine.

They soon parted, and colbys head returned to my shoulder, and he began to cry again.

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