Sure enough the name he had written down matched the one he saw. Erza was still giggling after a joke that Natsu had told. Being brought out of her laughter by a two on the shoulder Natsu pointed her to the bakery.

Her eyes widened and her mouth went agape. "Something the matter Erza?" He asked her. She blinked, her mouth still open in awe. "T- That's the new bakery that moved into town. T- The one that's famous all around Fiore and even in some parts of Alvarez."

Natsu turned his head to the side. "Oh yeah? I saw it on the way to get you and thought that it would be a good place to go." Erza turned to him and almost aggressively put her hands on his shoulders and shook him. "Natsu! We HAVE to get my dessert from there!" She yelled as she shook him, drawing attention from the now gathering patrons.

Natsu halted her shaking, his head still spinning. "Erza~ Calm down please~." He felt like he was about to hurl.

Erza stopped and looked around, noticing everyone now staring at them. She turned a shade of crimson and grabbed Natsu. Quickly she moved through the crowds and towards the bakery, trying to get away from the embarrassing gaze of the civilians.

Erza finally pulled Natsu to the front door of the bakery. "You brought money, right Natsu?" She said hastily.

Natsu had just recovered from the motion sickness Erza had caused him and slowly pulled out a large wallet. That just so happened to be almost bursting at the seams with Jewels.

Erza beamed with glee and shoved Natsu and herself through the door. The scent of all sorts of desserts filling their noses.

Erza was drooling slightly and even Natsu couldn't help himself but do the same at the overwhelming smell of baked goods.

Something that Erza wasn't aware of was that the bakery was actually a restaurant that you had to make reservations for, as the words were on the front of the waiters pedestal in front of them.

Erza's heart sank at the revelation and looked at Natsu. Before she could tell him the waiter walked up to the pedestal. He was a younger man, probably in his mid twenties. He wore a black suit with tie and white undershirt, along with matching black pants.

Erza felt a slight tension in the air as she knew that a place like this wouldn't have openings for them to just waltz in and sit down.

She was correct, but ignorant to what the salmon haired Dragonslayer had planned. "And who's name is your reservation under?" The man asked.

Erza was about to tell the man that they didn't have a reservation but Natsu spoke up. "It should be under the name Dragneel" He told the man.

Erza looked shocked at Natsu and he just smiled at her. He leaned over and whispered in her ear. "It took some negotiating but I managed to get us a reservation on my way to get you." He moved back and the man pulled up his sheets of paper and examined them.

He pulled one up and paled. "R- Right. You're the guy who threatened to torch the building if we couldn't squeeze you in." Natsu began sweating with an awkward smile on his face. He could already feel that overbearing aura behind him that was coming from Erza.

"Natsu... You didn't actually threaten them did you just so you could get us in... Did you...?" She said lowly.

He gulped and turned around. "Heh heh... Maybe..."

Erza shook where she stood. She was very conflicted. She wanted to punish the Dragonslayer right then and there for the threats he made. But a part of her found what he did for them, for her. To be... Nice, sweet even. She was so confused, she couldn't think straight.

Natza: Love That Only Ends In HeartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now